Improvements include:
- Incremental backups of your Minfos database
- Visibility on the status of your backups
- Improvements to manually run backups
Incremental Backups
- Once you update to 7.6.1 regular incremental backups will occur as you trade. As incremental backups are only backing up changes to your database, they run much faster than the full daily backup and you can continue to use Minfos while they are running. Incremental backups are configured to run every 10 minutes
- If you have Minfos Cloud Backup* (MCB) enabled, the backups will be automatically backed up offsite. If you use a different offsite backup provider speak to them about also backing up incremental backups
Note: The incremental backup runs in conjunction with the daily full backup, it is not a replacement for a full backup. For more information on the incremental backup, click here.
*Minfos Cloud Backup is an additional paid Minfos service, click here for more information on MCB.
Status of backups
A backup status bar has been added to the footer of each Minfos module providing visibility of your pharmacy’s backup status and highlight any backup issues
- The status bar can display up to three backup types depending on if a manual backup is currently running
- Each backup will display the date and time of the most recent successfully completed backup of that type
- If there is a backup currently running, the status will display as In Progress
The backup types are:
Manual Backup- Only visible if a manual backup is currently running

- Will display a Failed status in red if the manual backup was unsuccessful
- Will display the date and time in red, if no full backup has been successfully completed after 24 hours:
- Will display the date and time in red if no incremental backup has successfully completed after 2 hours:
Tip: It is recommended to run a manual backup, if any of the backup times are displayed in red. Click here to learn how to run a manual backup.
Manual backup
A new Back Up prompt is displayed when you start a manual backup
Click OK to dismiss the prompt, you can continue to use any Minfos module while the backup is running
- The backup status bar will display Manual: In Progress
- The Last Successful Backup status bar will update with the when the backup has finished
Refer to Backup your Minfos database manually for more information
Minfos 7.6.1 contains a number of backend changes to improve reliability of uploading script data to Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) and Active Script List (ASL).

Note: This warning has been in place for some time when editing an S8 ePrescription. This has now been extended to all ePrescriptions.

Click Yes to continue and use the same number.
Click No to return to the Customer Entry or Customer Editing window to enter the correct number.
Note: The User Error prompt is not displayed when entering a CN number as the same number can be used for multiple family members.The following User Error prompt is displayed if you attempt to enter an incorrectly formatted Concession Number.

Note: If you click Yes to the above prompt, the incorrectly formatted Concessional Number can be added to multiple patient profiles.
You can now enter a patient’s Individual Healthcare Identifier number directly into the Customer Entry or Customer Editing windows. This will allow you to dispense eScripts to patients without a Medicare Card.
Patient with no Medicare Card:
Enter the IHI number in the IHI field and click IHI Search
If you enter an IHI that is already in use for another patient the IHI Already In Use prompt is displayed:
Click Yes, to remove the IHI from the existing patient, and attach it to this patient or
Click No, to enter the correct IHI
From Minfos 7.6.1 the Ward No. (number) field in the Carer tab of the Customer Editing window will be a look up field, instead of a free text field. This will reduce issues where a customer is assigned a ward that does not exist at the facility.
Ward Management can be accessed in the Nursing Home Entry and Nursing Home Editing window. You can add new wards and delete existing wards.
Note: When you update to 7.6.1 an updater task will run and create wards in Ward Management for each of your Nursing Homes, from the Ward No. that are currently set in your Customer profiles. If you manually update your software, you may not be able to manage wards until the updater task has completed. This should be completed 15 minutes after running the software update.
For more information refer to:
A new <. Copy Script [Shift + <] option is available on the Script Options menu. When selected the details of the script are populated on the Dispense Form with the script date set as today’s date.
Note: This dispensing is a manual entry script, even if it was copied from an eScript.
For more information refer to Copy a script.
You can now print the electronic token in landscape on an A4.
From 7.6.1, there are 3 options for printing repeat eScript tokens:
- A4 – Full Page
- A4 – Half Page – this can then be cut or folded in half
- A5 – Note. this token is not designed to print on a Repeat Authorisation Form
Refer to Repeat eScript token print configuration to learn how to adjust your preferred option.
To enable you to store your claim forms digitally we have added 2 fields to include on your Claim Form:
- Script Number as a barcode
- Claim Number
Adjust your Claim Form printing options
From Dispense Pro:
1. Click the Maintenance menu and select G. Repeat Options.
The Repeat Printing Options window is displayed.
2. Click Next three times to display Repeat 4 settings.
3. Check the Claim Form Script Number checkbox and enter the required Row, Column, Width and Feature settings.
4. Check the Claim Form Claim Number checkbox and enter the required Row, Column, Width and Feature settings.
Note: The settings above are an example only and may need to be adjusted in your pharmacy.
5. Click Okay to save.
We have made changes to the Conflict with Previous Script and the Conflict with Previous Script or Duplicate Repeat prompts that display in the Dispense Form when a dispenser attempts to dispense a script or a repeat that has previously been supplied to the patient.
Previously these prompts were warnings, and you could continue to save and process the script. They are now an error meaning that the same PBS supply cannot be dispensed to the same patient twice. The prompt displays the date the script was previously dispensed to assist with troubleshooting the conflict. The conflict must be resolved before the supply can be dispensed.
- The Conflict with Previous Script prompt will now prompt after tabbing out of the Times Disp field. It will no longer prompt prematurely when dispensing a repeat supply manually.
- The text in the Conflict with Previous Script or DuplicateRepeat prompt has been updated
Stock Manager
We have added the ability to import and export orders from Order Maintenance.
This feature will
- Reduce manual entry where an order is prepared outside of Minfos but needs to be electronically transmitted to the supplier
- Be helpful for pharmacies that order on behalf of other pharmacies. As the order can be created at one pharmacy and then exported, sent, and imported to the receiving pharmacy
To learn how to export and import orders, refer to:
You can now choose to import the Retail Units provided by CH2 when running the CH2 MNPN Update.
From Stock Manager:
1. Click the File menu, click 7. MNPN Updates and select 1. Supplier MNPN Updates.
The Manage Supplier MNPN Updates window is displayed.
2. Click Find. The Search window is displayed. Enter Clifford and click Okay.
The CLIFFORD HALLAM HEALTHCARE (CH2) supplier is highlighted.
a. If you have never set up this supplier MNPN update, you may need to add the supplier, refer to Automatic Direct Supplier MNPN Updates.
3. Click Change.
The Supplier MNPN Update Configuration window is displayed.
4. Check the Update Retail Units checkbox. Refer to Supplier MNPN Update Options to review other options available.
5. Click OK to save.
The Manage Supplier MNPN Updates window is re-displayed.
6. Click Apply Update to run the update now, retail units will be updated. If the update is configured to apply automatically, click Cancel to close the Manage Supplier MNPN Updates window and the update will run overnight and the retail units will be applied.
If you attempt to edit a Stock Transfer that is open on another workstation the following Transfer Locked prompt is displayed:
- The prompt advises what User ID and what Station the transfer is currently open on
- Click OK to close the prompt
The Dispense Form, Pharmacist Check screen and Till will now display an (account customer) or an
(linked account or a centralised customer account) icon to indicate to the staff member that the patient has an account without the need to access the Customer Editing window. The new icon will be located next to the Scripts On File icon on each screen.
To allow space for the new Account or Linked Account icon, the indicator on the Dispense Form has been changed to
To assist with identifying customers, we have added more filters to the Customer Enquiry window:
From the Customer Management module:
1. Click the Enquire menu and select 1. Customer Enquiry or click the Customer Enquiry icon.
The Customer Enquiry window is displayed.
The new filters are:
a. Customer Type | Filter by customer type e.g. All, Customer, Doctor, Deceased etc.
b. Club | Allows you to filter by a Club. |
c. 0. Print Statement: | Filter by customers that have the Print Statement checkbox checked in their customer profile. Note: This filter is not available to CCA pharmacies. |
d. Interim Statement: | Allows you to view and/or print an interim statement for the selected customer. Note: For CCA pharmacies, Interim Statement is only available when the 3. Linked to Account checkbox is checked.
e. Re-print Statement: | Allows you to re-print the current statement for the selected customer or all displayed customers. This option is available when you have checked the 1. Account checkbox. Note: This option is not available to CCA pharmacies.
f. Email Statement | Allows you to Email the current statement for the selected customer or all displayed customers. This option is available when you have checked the 2. Email Statement checkbox. Note: This option is not available to CCA pharmacies.
Tip: Press [F2] to clear any selected filters.
For more information on the Customer Enquiry window, click here.
You can now export Direct Debit files in a third party format (for example to import into EziDebit). This is useful when you manage the customer’s bank account details in a third party provider rather than in Minfos. The export contains the customer’s Minfos Customer ID, date for processing and amount to be debited.
You will need to contact Minfos Support to have this feature enabled.
Once enabled, the Direct Debit Enable checkbox can be checked in Business Editing:
From any Minfos module other than the Till:
1. Click the File menu and select 1. Business.
The Business Maintenance window is displayed.
2. Highlight your business from the list and click Change.
The Business Editing window is displayed.
3. Check the Direct Debit Enable checkbox.
4. Click Okay to save.
The Business Maintenance window is re-displayed.
5. Click Cancel to close Business Maintenance.
You can now set up the required customers for Direct Debit.
From the Customer Management module:
6. Click the Customers menu and select 2. Customer Accounts or click the Customer Accounts icon.
The Customer Account Management window is displayed.
7. Find and highlight the required customer and click Change.
The Customer Editing window is displayed.
8. Click the Accounts tab and check the Direct Debit checkbox.
9. Click OK to save.
To learn how to export direct debit files and mark off accounts as paid refer to:
In Minfos version 7.3.1 we added a Customer Attributes Utility to allow customer attributes to be updated via an import utility. We have renamed some of the Import Fields, added more Import Fields and added an Import Customer Attributes Results Report to further enhance this utility.
Refer to Import Customer Attributes for more information.
Resolved Issues
- The Authority Number prompt will no longer display when dispensing unrestricted S100 items.
- Both Repeat Interval dates and Safety Net Days dates will now print correctly on Repeat Authorisation Forms, when applicable.
- The Generic Drug Listing window will now display all equivalent Generics.
- Editing a script that has repeats filled will no longer flag the script with outstanding repeats.
- Previously when a script was prescribed as a Reg 49 (aka Reg 24) but then dispensed as individual repeats, Minfos was loading subsequent dispensing’s as Reg 49. Minfos will no longer refer to the Red 24/49 flag on the script if a single supply of the script has been made i.e., the original dispensing was not dispensed as a Reg 49.
- Manually selecting a generic in Script Editing Mode will now set the correct co-payment discount for an Opt-In patient.
- The Price is updated correctly when changing the Customer Status to General.
- The correct Retail Price will be displayed for S3 Recordables with an increased quantity.
- Performance improvements have been made to View Insufficient Stock in the Minfos Packing Virtual Pillbox.
- Occasionally when receiving an owing script with an eScript, the repeat is not uploaded. Improvements have been made to minimise this from occurring.
- Editing a script for a White Repatriation patient will now display the correct Price.
- Deferring a script that has already been dispensed will now print the correct No. of times already dispensed.
- Previously when a Calculated Fixed Price falls below the Private Minimum Patient Contribution, the calculated fixed price will be used. This has now been changed to use the Private Minimum Contribution in such scenarios.
- Clicking Synch in the Robotic Drugs Database window will not repopulate the list with barcodes with 0 (zero) stock on hand.
- Pressing the arrow down key in Order Maintenance will no longer cause the focus to move back to the start of the Order.
- Customer Statements no longer display ‘Tax Invoice’ in the header.
- Printing of eQueue dockets will now be reverted back to the print to the default printer.
- Centralised Customer Accounts: The Credit Card Summary Report is now recorded correctly for Account Payments made for CCA.