

Validate Pharmacy Business details when downloading an eScript

When an eScript is downloaded the pharmacy name and address is validated. If the name or address is missing, an error is displayed.

The Dispense Form will not populate with the eScript details and you will need to update your business details: Address can be entered in either Street field.

Refer to Update your pharmacy name and details in Minfos for more information.

Reason for Prescribing displayed for eScripts

The Prescribed Reason for an eScript, as provided by the prescriber, displays in the eScript Details window and the Pharmacist Check screen.

Pharmacist Check Screen will now display the Original eScript by default when a repeat has been dispensed

The Copy of eScript section on the Pharmacist Check screen now displays the Copy of the Original eScript by default. The Repeat Authorisation Form tab can be selected to view the repeat details.

Refer to Pharmacist Check screen for more information on the Pharmacist Check screen

Real Time Prescription Monitoring readiness

A configuration change has been made in preparation for upcoming State's rollout of RTPM.

Refer to Real Time Prescription Monitoring for more information on RTPM

Medisecure eScripts will no longer upload if the patient does not have a valid IHI

It is not possible to upload a MediSecure eScript if the patient does not have a valid IHI. The following Verified IHI required prompt will display:

Click OK to close the prompt and edit your patient’s customer profile to perform an IHI Search or add the patient’s IHI.


Stock Manager

Automatically Collect Invoices configuration

We have moved the Auto Collect Invoices setting to Shop Configuration so you can now adjust this configuration in your database without having to contact Minfos Support.

Auto Collect Invoice advantages include:

  • You no longer need to manage ‘Blank Supplier Orders’ in your Order Maintenance window (unless Collect Order is required)
  • All invoices across all suppliers will be collected and be up to date before you generate your orders
  • For stores that have multiple accounts for a single supplier, you no longer have to change the account number to collect your invoices under a separate account. Refer here to set up these accounts prior to turning this feature on

Refer to Automatically Collect Invoices to learn how to adjust your auto collect configuration

Important information if you purchase through Sigma

Shortly, Sigma will be making changes to their PDE format for all products.

If you purchase through Sigma please ensure you update to Minfos 6.3.1 as it contains updates to support this switchover. There are no changes in Minfos to how you collect and apply Sigma Wholesaler updates.

When Sigma release their updated PDEs, and your pharmacy is running Minfos version 6.3.1 or later, Minfos will import the new PDEs and update products as expected. To ensure you have no issues with collecting invoices once Sigma roll out the PDE changes we recommend you set up the Sigma Wholesaler Update to be automatic. Refer to Automatic Wholesaler updates to set up the update to run automatically.

Note Once the Sigma PDE’s have been updated to the new format, you may need to print out new shelf labels for your pharmacy. We will send out a notification once the new PDE’s are available to collect in the Sigma Wholesaler update.
Product Quick Fix - Ability to filter by Products that are not selling

You can now filter Product Quick Fix to Display Products Not Sold SinceDate’.

This will allow you to review a range of products or a category based on products that have not sold since a certain date.

This is similar to running a Dead Stock Report; however, using Product Quick Fix allows you to make changes to products immediately. Refer to Product Quick Fix Overview and Product Quick Fix – Quick Fix Selection Overview for more information.



Email your customers digital receipts
At the end of a transaction, ask your customer whether they would like to receive a digital receipt (eReceipt). You can even configure Minfos to automatically prompt for an eReceipt and a paper receipt will print based on their response.

Personally Identifiable Information is automatically removed from digital receipts, to remove them from printed receipts refer to Option to hide personally identifiable information from printed till dockets.

Note TerryWhite Chemmart pharmacies will not be able to utilise this functionality to email eReceipts. Digital receipts will be launched by TerryWhite Chemmart as part of the future myTWC customer portfolio.  

 To send an eReceipt via email: 

  • Ensure you have email configured in your database. Refer to Email Configuration for more information
  • Set up eReceipts. Refer to Set up eReceipts for more information
  • Click here to learn how to How to send an eReceipt
  • Click here to learn how to Send an eReciept for a previously completed transaction
  • Click here to learn how to run the eReceipts Audit Log
  • Watch the Send an eReceipt by email video
Change Screen will always display

To allow the ability to send eReceipts the Change Screen is required to display at the end of a transaction. We have therefore removed the previous Till Preference to not display the Change screen, it will now always display, and this cannot be adjusted.

Option to Hide Personally Identifiable Information from printed Till dockets

There is a new configuration setting to Hide Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on printed dockets.

Refer to Hide Personally Identifiable Information from printed Till Dockets to learn how to hide the PII on Dockets


Resolved Issues


1. When a new claim has started changing a prescription from non-claimable to claimable will no longer result in a duplicate serial number.

2. The price will now be correct when you dispense a private generic drug to a Repatriation patient.

3. Dispensing a previously deferred eScript will mark off the original deferred script.

4. A Container Fee will no longer be added when the broken pack quantity is greater than the manufacturer full pack.

5. Generating an Owing Script Report by Doctor will now cover the full range of doctors.

6. Scripts can now be saved if you have ‘Always Prompt for Initials’ unchecked and ‘Always Blank Initials Prompt’ checked.

7. A change in prescriber will be amended and sent to SafeScript.

Stock Manager

1. The performance issue has been resolved when creating an order in Order Maintenance.


1. Discounted products will be recorded as the number of products instead of the number of lines in the Till Summary and Previous Takings Reports.

2. Items sold that are on promotion will no longer add to the ‘Discount Custs’ column in the Till Summary and Previous Takings Reports.


1. Recording Clinical Interventions in the Dispense Module will no longer be reported in the Till Exceptions Report.