Wholesaler updates add new product information and update existing product details, such as supplier PDE, barcodes, shelf pack values and retail units. This update will not change your current product description, retail pricing or current unit costs. The content within the wholesaler update is sourced directly from the Wholesaler.

It is recommended that you apply automatic updates for your preferred wholesaler. This will ensure you get the most current wholesaler product information as it becomes available.

The following procedure can be applied for the wholesalers below: 

  • Symbion Pty Ltd (06080)
  • A.P.I Retail File (01163)
  • Sigma Company Ltd (19090)

Set up automatic Wholesaler updates

1. From Stock Manager, click the File menu and select A. Wholesaler Updates.

The Manage Wholesaler Updates window is displayed.

2. Double click on one of the wholesalers, e.g. Symbion, or select and click Change.

The Wholesaler Automatic Updates Configuration window is displayed.

3. Select the Automatic Update checkbox to apply automatic updates for this wholesaler.

4. Select the checkboxes in the Update Options section to apply these to your update. Any options selected here will be applied when the update is collected. Refer to Wholesaler Update Options for an explanation of each option.

5. Click OK to save.

6. The selected supplier will now be displayed in blue and show an ‘ ’ icon for Automatic Updates.

7. When a new wholesaler update is available for this supplier the update will now be automatically applied.

Note: The GST flags supplied in each Wholesaler Update are defined by the supplier. Each pharmacy is responsible for reviewing the GST flags and updating if required.