There are several places in your database where the pharmacy details can be set, and therefore needs to be updated. These places are:

After updating all of the modules of Minfos, please log out of Minfos and log back in to see the updated name.

Update the Business Name, Address, Phone, Fax, ABN and Direct Debit details

From the Dispense Pro module:

1. Click the File menu and select 1. Business.

The Business Maintenance window is displayed.

2. Highlight the required Business and click Change.

The Business Editing window is displayed.3. Update any details required in this window.

4. Click Okay to save and close the Business Editing window.

The Business Maintenance window is re-displayed.

5. Ensure you highlight business 001(or your main business) and click Okay to close Business Maintenance.

Update the Pharmacy details in Dispense Configuration

From the Dispense Pro module:

1. Click the Maintenance menu and select D. Configuration.

The Configuration window is displayed.

2. Update any details required, for eScripts ensure the HPI-O is updated.

3. Click OK to save and close.

Update the Till docket message

From the Retail Till module:

1. Click the Maintenance menu and select 1. Docket Messages.

The Docket Messages window is displayed.

2. Check and update the details on the:

  • Till Message tab
  • Lay By Message tab
  • Voucher Program Message tab

3. Click OK to save and close.

Update the email configuration

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

1. Click the Special menu and select Utilities.

The Utilities module is displayed.

2. Click the Config menu and select 1. Shop Configuration.

The Shop Configuration window is displayed.

3. Click the Email Configuration option.

4. Update the required details.

5. Click the Email Statement Configuration option.

6. Update the required details.

7. Click OK to save.

Tip: If you do not use the Minfos Direct Debit option, you may need update the Pharmacy Bank Account details on customer statements refer to Change Bank Account Details on Customer Statements.