An additional filter has been added to the Dispense History report, allowing you to include only scripts dispensed under 60 Day Dispensing PBS codes. Refer to Dispense History Report for more information.
You can now manage the monitored status of any product that is not marked as a drug. This functionality allows these items to be uploaded to your RTPM (Real Time Prescription Monitoring) system after they have been dispensed.
Note To be successfully uploaded to RTPM, the dispensed stockcard must have:
- The Dispensable checkbox is checked
- The relevant Generic selected in the Category tab
- The Schedule selected in the Drug tab
Refer to Locally Manage Monitored Items for further information.
To streamline the dispense process and make it easier to select the correct product, Robot Stock on Hand (SOH) and Unit Cost will now display on the Dispense Form.
Robot SOH and Unit Cost is displayed in the information panel that also displays CALs and Schedule information. Robot SOH is followed by ROB (robot) for easy identification.
Note Robot SOH is not available to pharmacies using CONSIS with the old robotic integration.
Minfos is now conformant with ePrescribing Conformance Profile v3.0.1. This conformance profile enables eNRMC providers to upload and dispense software to download electronic chart information via eRx, in the same way that ePrescriptions are transmitted.
In time, the full eNRMC model will replace the current eNRMC Transitional Arrangement.
Currently, dispense software, like Minfos, and eNRMC providers are working towards achieving ePrescribing Conformance Profile v3.0.1. Rollout of the updated eNRMC model will then begin.
Refer to Dispense from an Electronic National Residential Medication Chart for more information.
You can now view and retrieve the MySL Activation Code for a patient with an active Active Script List. This code is used for Assisted Registration to MySL and may be requested by customers who wish to set up access to their Active Script List via a mobile app.
For more information refer to Retrieve MySL Activation Codes.
You can now easily expand the eScript details panel in Minfos Dispense. This allows you to view all details for eScripts that have a lot of text included (e.g. lengthy compounding instructions).
To expand the eScript details panel, simply click the Maximise button or click and drag either side of the panel.
Standard size:
Note This feature is not available in the Scan Check screen. Hover your mouse over the text to view longer directions in the Scan Check screen.
You can now easily print a copy of an eScript via the eScript Details panel from multiple screens in Dispense. Click on the Copy of Original Script or Copy of Repeat Authorisation (if available) tab in the eScript Details panel and use the keyboard shortcut [Alt + P] to print a copy of the currently selected eScript. This is especially helpful for scripts with extensive details, such as compounded or extemporaneous prescriptions, or when transcribing into another system such as a staged supply program.
Note This printout is strictly for reference and cannot be used as a token or paper script. The printout features a watermark and disclaimers to ensure it is not mistaken for a prescription.
Printing a copy of an eScript can be performed from the:
- Dispense Form
- Pharmacist Check screen
- Script Options window (after dispensing)
- eNRMC Chart window
Refer to Print a copy of an eScript for further details.
Example printed copy of an eScript:
Additional information fields are now displayed in the eScript Details Panel.
- Extemporaneous: An Extemporaneous indicator has been added. When available, the Extemporaneous Description is also displayed.
- Schedule 8 items: The eScript Details panel will now display the Quantity in both numerals and words. When available, the name of the pharmacy the item is To be dispensed by will also be displayed.

eScripts (including an item on an eNRMC) can now be disabled and re-enabled via Minfos. A script may be disabled to prevent it from being dispensed if there are issues that need clarification. Once these issues are resolved, the script can be re-enabled and dispensed as usual. Additional filtering in Script Enquiry allows for easy identification of scripts that are currently disabled.
A new Disable script checkbox is on the Dispense Save and Process this Script? window, for eScripts:
- Once checked, the Issue Repeat Token dropdown is disabled, as no correspondence to the patient is required
- After you enter your Pharmacist Password and click OK, the following Warning prompt is displayed:
- Click Yes to disable the eScript
- A disabled eScript can only be re-enabled by the pharmacy that originally disabled it
- If a pharmacy attempts to dispense a disabled eScript, the following Error is displayed:
- Disabled eScripts are displayed in Orange with a D icon throughout Minfos Dispense:
- Once an eScript is re-enabled, the originally disabled eScript record will be removed from patient’s history and the eScript can be dispensed following your usual dispensing process
Refer to Disable and re-enable an eScript for more information.
Two new filters have been added the Script Enquiry window:
- Disabled scripts only: check the checkbox to only display disabled eScripts (including items from an eNRMC)
- NRMC only: check the checkbox to only display NRMC scripts
Refer to Script Enquiry Overview for more information.
Previously, it was possible to dismiss the Expired Script prompt and continue dispensing an expired Schedule 8 script.
From Minfos 8.2.1, it is not possible to complete a dispensing for a Schedule 8 item where the script has passed the 6 month expiry.
From 1 July 2024 the CTG PBS Co-Payment Program also applies to Section 100 PBS medicines when dispensed by a community pharmacy, approved medical practitioner or private hospital.
To support this change, now when a S100 drug is selected for a customer that has CTG ticked in their profile, Minfos will automatically tick the CTG flag in the dispense form. This change is consistent with the behavior for other scripts dispensed to CTG patients.

Prescriber number validation has been updated in Dispense to support the Queensland Pharmacist Prescribing Pilot.
We have optimised the Minfos Cloud Backup process to upload less frequently as we found that the previous schedule to upload every local incremental backup was more frequent than necessary. The new backup schedule for incremental backups will now upload every hour*, ensuring efficient and effective data management whilst maintaining the peace of mind of an up-to-date online backup.
Please note there is no change to how often incremental back ups run locally. The default setting for incremental backups is to run every 10 minutes.
*Or after every incremental backup if the time between incremental backups has previously been modified to over an hour.
Previously it has been possible to configure your Gmail account to allow access to Minfos by using the less secure apps option. Google will cease supporting this option on 30 September 2024 and will continue to support access via the app password option.
Minfos customers using the Gmail less secure apps option in Minfos Email Configuration should create an app password and then update Email Configuration settings in Minfos.
The old Minfos Packing module ceased to be supported in July 2019. An error message will now be displayed when attempting to access this module.
We’ve introduced a new feature for several Minfos reports that allows you to schedule them to run automatically after the End of Day (EOD). This enhancement streamlines operations and ensures timely access to critical information. You can now choose from various scheduling frequencies, including Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly. Scheduled reports will be conveniently emailed to specified addresses, providing you with the data you need whenever and wherever you need it.
Your email credentials may need to be verified the first time a report is scheduled in your pharmacy. Refer to Schedule a Report for further details.
Starting from Minfos 8.2.1, the following reports offer scheduling functionality:
- Stock on Hand report
- Negative Stocks report
- Stock Out report
- Stock Variance report
- Previous Takings report
- Sales By Range report
- Annual Sales and Purchases report
- Staff Product Sales report
- Category Audit report
Scheduling will be extended to additional reports in future releases.
The Category Sales reports have been unified into a single Sales By Range report with advanced filtering options, minimizing the need for multiple individual reports. You can effortlessly choose the Report Type and date range via an intuitive interface, streamlining the process of generating comprehensive sales reports.
Access the Sales By Range report in the Reporting module from the Sales menu or the Sales By Range Report icon. Refer to Sales By Range report for further information.
As part of these changes the Total Sales menu has been renamed Sales. This change provides a more accurate description of the reports available under this menu option.
A new Report on the Entire Range option has been added to the Staff Product Sales report. This feature enables dynamic category range selection, automatically incorporating any newly created categories within the specified range.
Additionally, the Staff Product Sales report now includes scheduling capabilities. For details, refer to Schedule a report.
Stock Manager
Orders exported from Order Maintenance via the Export to CSV for Importing function will now include the Stocked status, Unit Cost (ex GST) and Stock On Hand of each item.
This information may be helpful where orders are reviewed and edited in external programs. For more information refer to Export an Order from Order Maintenance.
From Minfos 8.2.1, detailed audit logging captures changes to orders and order templates. We have also introduced the new Ordering Audit Report, allowing you to review captured changes. The advanced report filtering options make it easy to track and verify order modifications.
For further information, refer to Ordering Audit Report.
The new Report on the Entire Range option allows you to dynamically set the category range for the scheduled report, automatically including any new categories created within the specified range.
Stock Manager reports that now offer this option include:
- Stock on Hand report
- Negative Stocks report
- Stock Out report
- Stock Variance report
- Annual Sales and Purchases report
- Category Audit report
Additionally, these reports now offer scheduling functionality. Refer to Schedule a report for further information.
We are excited to introduce a new utility that allows you to import new products and their attributes through a tab-delimited text file. The imported data undergoes thorough validation, and the comprehensive Import New Product Attributes Result Report provides a detailed summary of the import results.
This report offers clear visibility into successfully created products and highlights any products that were not created or were created with exceptions that require your attention. For more detailed information, please refer to Import new products from a text file.
The new Update Product Attributes utility simplifies the process of bulk updating product details. This utility allows you to import a tab-delimited text file, enabling bulk updates of product attributes with ease. It supports matching by Barcode and MNPN, ensuring accurate and efficient updates.
By reducing manual data entry errors, this enhancement saves significant time and improves overall efficiency in managing product information. Refer to Update product attributes from a text file for further information.
Order templates created via the Order Template API may now be marked as Auto send. Orders marked as Auto send will be transmitted immediately after generation if conditions are met.
Refer to your banner group for further information.
You can now record Driver's License and NDSS details in the Customer Entry/Customer Editing windows. This change streamlines the process of recording important customer details and reduces the potential for manual entry errors.
What’s more, your customers will enjoy an improved experience as they will no longer have to share the same information on each visit.
The Previous Takings Report now offers extended time periods to report on. The Report Period options have been expanded to include the current day, week, and month, as well as previous day, week, month, quarter, calendar year, financial year, and a custom date range. Refer to Previous Takings Report.
Additionally, this report now offers scheduling functionality. Refer to Schedule a report.

Resolved Issues
1. Selecting a Private drug will retain the Rx Type as Private.
2. DVA Authority scripts will now correctly identify as Rx Type Authority when downloaded.
3. Minfos will no longer add unnecessary spaces in the Directions field when tabbing through the Dispense Form.
4. Dispensing a DVA DAA supply with a Unit Cost of 0.00 will no longer contribute to the Cost of Goods Sold in the Dispense Trading Report.
5. Editing a CTG script with Safety Net Consequences will now retain the correct price.
1. The Transfer Invoice Print Preview will now be displayed correctly for computers running on low display resolution.
1. The Delete button can now be used to unflag an account customer with zero balance from the Customer Account Management screen.
1. The correct linked account will display when selecting Account Payment at the Till.
1. The General Ledger Trial Balance report has now been formatted to display large values correctly.
2. In Minfos Receivables, the Credit Card Surcharge amount was added incorrectly into multiple AR Product codes. This has now been resolved and Credit Card Surcharge will be recorded separately as ZZ_SURCHARGE.