This article covers the recommended steps when selling your pharmacy.

We have also provided links to 6 different change of ownership scenarios that you can follow if you are buying a pharmacy that currently runs Minfos.


Selling your pharmacy

Helpful articles

The articles listed in the table below are designed to help you complete each of the required tasks. Follow the links to read the article.


Minfos Help Centre Solution Article

Review and reconcile owing scripts.

Open a new claim, edit the claim and close claim*.

*Ensure you action ALL rejected scripts to ensure payment via PBS Online when closing your final claim. Clear/Ignore all scripts returned with PBS Warnings.

Stocktake, if required.

Take a copy of your Minfos Database.

Selling but not taking a copy of your Minfos Database, we recommend you keep a copy of these reports.

Customer AccountsStock Transfer Accounts:
  1. Age statements for AR Customers
  2. Print statements for AR Customers
  3. Receipt a payment for AR Customers

Buying a Minfos pharmacy

Changes required for PBS Online, eHealth and your Minfos database

We have listed the required changes for the following Change of Ownership (COO) scenarios: