Minfos provides up to date product information sourced from the wholesaler or supplier.
There are two types of product updates provided by Minfos:

  • Wholesaler updates (Symbion, Sigma, API)
  • Supplier MNPN updates (direct suppliers)

You can choose to manually manage these product updates or automate them to apply when available.
Updates for direct suppliers that you interact with regularly should be collected each time a new update is available, therefore applying automatic updates for these suppliers is recommended. This ensures that your Minfos database contains the most up to date product information from relevant suppliers.

Wholesaler updates

Wholesaler updates add new product information and update existing product details, such as supplier PDE, barcodes, shelf pack values and retail units. This update will not change your current product description, retail pricing or current unit costs.

The following Wholesalers supply files to Minfos:

  • Symbion Pty Ltd (06080) (Weekly)
  • A.P.I Retail File (01163) (Monthly)
  • Sigma Company Ltd (19090) (Monthly)

The content within the wholesaler update is sourced directly from the Wholesaler.

It is recommended that you apply automatic updates for your preferred wholesaler. This will ensure you get the most current wholesaler product information as it becomes available. For instructions, refer to Automatic Wholesaler updates.

If you choose to continue to apply your wholesaler updates manually, we recommend that these are applied monthly (weekly for Symbion) to ensure your Minfos database contains current product information from the relevant wholesaler. For instructions, refer to Manual Wholesaler updates.

Note    The GST flags supplied in each Wholesaler Update are defined by the supplier. Each pharmacy is responsible for reviewing the GST flags and updating if required.

Direct Supplier MNPN updates

Direct Supplier MNPN updates will add new product information, update existing product descriptions and supplier details, such as PDE and barcodes. These updates do not change retail or cost prices.
Updates for direct suppliers that you interact with regularly should be collected each time a new update is available, therefore applying automatic updates for these suppliers is recommended. This ensures that your Minfos database contains the most up to date product information from relevant suppliers. For instructions, refer to Automatic Direct Supplier MNPN updates.

If you choose to continue to apply your Direct Supplier MNPN updates manually, we recommend that these are applied before invoices are collected to ensure your Minfos database contains current product information from the relevant suppliers. For instructions, refer to Manual Direct Supplier MNPN updates.
To view a list of Direct Suppliers that provide product information to Minfos refer to Minfos Maintained Suppliers.

Note    MNPN updates do not update the GST flags on products that are already in your database. You must review the GST flags of new products added to your database, and update if required.


If a supplier file is unavailable the following prompt will be displayed:

1. Please refer to the document Direct Supplier Maintained by Minfos to ensure the supplier is currently maintained by Minfos.

  1. If the supplier is on the list please check you have correctly subscribed to the supplier and try again in 10 minutes.
  2. If the supplier is not on the list, this update cannot be run.