Refer to the Duplicate PDE report previously generated or re-run report following instructions details in Remove Duplicate PDEs: Overview.
1. Review and highlight the suppliers your store does not purchase from on the Duplicate PDE report.
Note: This process should not be run for any local area market suppliers. This process is only for suppliers maintained by Minfos. Please see Direct suppliers maintained by Minfos.
2. From Stock Manager, click Supplier Products.

The Supplier Search window is displayed.
3. Click Find.
The Search window is displayed.
4. Enter the name of a supplier that your pharmacy does not use, and then click Okay.
5. The Supplier Search window is displayed.
6. Highlight the supplier’s name, then click Okay.
The Supplier Product Maintenance window is displayed.
7. Click z. Clear.
The Clear Old Supplier Records window is displayed.
8. In the Clear Date text box, enter tomorrow’s date. Using a date in the future will remove ALL products from this supplier.
9. Check the Continue check box.
10. Click Okay.
The Delete Current Supplier window is displayed.
11. Click Yes to remove the supplier from products in your database. This process does not delete any products from your database.
The clear process may take a few minutes, depending on the supplier size.
12. The Notification window is displayed.
13. Click Okay, to return to the Supplier Product Maintenance window.
The Supplier Product Maintenance window will not update until you exit.
14. Press Cancel, to close the Supplier Product Maintenance window.
15. Repeat steps 3 to 14 for all unused suppliers from the Duplicate PDE Report.
If you are unsure if the pharmacy purchases from a supplier, proceed to Step 3 - Clear supplier from products the direct supplier no longer supplies.
16. Now go to Remove Duplicate PDEs: Step 3 - Clear supplier from products the direct supplier no longer supplies.