Importing a Symbion PBS Deal MOQ file

When importing a file, only products contained within the file will be updated.

From Stock Manager:

  1. Click the File menu and select G. Import Minimum Order Quantities.

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The Import Minimum Order Quantities window is displayed.

  1. Click the dotted browse button to choose the file you wish to import.
  2. In the Supplier field, enter the supplier code for Symbion – 06080.
  3. Select Supplier PDE.

  1. Click Test Import. A report is generated to show the results of the intended file import.

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The Status column lists the result of your import for every product.

Possible Status values are:

Would Update

The MOQ will be updated in the supplier card.

No Match

The PDE cannot be found in your database. Run the Symbion Wholesaler Update and then re-test the import. 

No Change

There will be no change to the MOQ.

Below is an example summary from the test import.

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  1. If you are satisfied with the contents of the test report, repeat steps 1-2 outlined above, this time clicking Import.
  2. The Update? prompt is displayed. Click Yes to confirm the import.

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  1. The Minimum Order Quantity Import Report is displayed.

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The Status column lists the result of your import for every product.

Possible Status values are:


The MOQ has been updated in the supplier card.

No Match

The PDE could not be found.

No Change

There will be no change to the MOQ.

Below is an example summary from the import.

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  1. Click Print to print the report or Close the report.

Symbion PBS Deal Category

These Symbion PBS products can be allocated to a category, e.g. Department, I.E.U or Class, to allow an order to be generated. We recommend you do not use a category type that you currently use for reporting or stocktaking purposes. 

A new category can be added into Minfos from Category Maintenance

Product Quick Fix can then be used to allocate these products to a category, or each stock card can be edited via Product Maintenance or via an order in Order Maintenance.

Add a new category

  1. From Stock Manager, click the Category Maintenance icon.

The Category Maintenance window is displayed.

  1. Adjust the Category Type to the required category, for example - I.E.U.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Adjust the Code if necessary.
  4. Enter the Name of the category, e.g. Symbion PBS Deal.
  5. Click OK to save the category entry.
  6. Click Cancel to close Category Maintenance.

Refer to Add a Category for further information.

Symbion PBS Deal – Import as an order

  1. Update the Symbion PBS Deal spreadsheet to be in the below format. 

The import file:

  • Must be in CSV format, and must be in order of PDE/MNPN/Barcode/Quantity/Unit cost ex GST
  • Must contain one of the following:
    • PDE
    • MNPN
    • Barcode
  • Must have a Quantity greater than zero. The product will not be imported into the Minfos Order if the quantity is zero
  • May include Unit cost ex GST as an optional field. If present in the file, the Unit cost ex GST will be applied to the order. Where the unit cost in the file is zero or not included, the unit cost in Minfos will be used. Ensure that the unit cost value is numerical only and does not include $ sign (e.g. 1.00 not $1.00).
  • Must not include more than 999 lines
  • The headings of the CSV file are caps specific, so must be PDE/MNPN/Barcode/Quantity.

Example File:

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  1. From Order Maintenance, click Import.

The Import Order window is displayed.

  1. Click the Import Path and Filename browse button.

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The Open window is displayed and automatically searches in H:\Minfos01\Export.

  1. Navigate to the required file, highlight it, and click Open.

The Import Order window is re-displayed.

  1. Enter the Supplier for the order, 06080 and press [Tab].

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  1.  Click Import.

The Import Result window is displayed, with the results of the import.

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Description automatically generated

Items will not import if:
  • A product match cannot be found
  • There is a duplication in the file – the first instance of the product will import, subsequent lines will not. You will need to consolidate these values manually
  • Where the file contains a quantity of 0 (zero)
  1. Click OK to close the Import Result window.

Order Maintenance is re-displayed with the newly imported order highlighted and in a Created status.

Quick Fix the Imported Order

  1. Highlight the imported order and click Product Quick Fix.

The Product Quick Fix window is displayed.

  1. To highlight all products in the window, press [Ctrl + A] or click on the first product, hold down [Shift] on the keyboard and click on the last product. To highlight multiple products, hold down [Ctrl] and click each product with the mouse.
  2. Click Fix.

The Quick Fix Selection window is displayed.

  1. Check the appropriate category checkbox, IEU has been used in this example.
  2. Enter the category code in the field and press [Tab].

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  1. Click OK to fix the products.

You are returned to the Product Quick Fix window. Click Cancel once all products have been fixed to the appropriate category.

The imported order can be reviewed and updated and used to place your PBS Deal order, or you can delete it and generate an order.

Generate the Symbion PBS Deal Order

  1. From Order Maintenance, click the Generate button.

The Order Generation window is displayed.

  1. Adjust the Supplier field if necessary.
  2. Adjust the Category field to the correct Symbion PBS Deal category. Only products that have been previously allocated to that category will be included in this order.
  3. Adjust the other order generation fields as per your usual order process.

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  1. Click Generate to generate the order.
  2. Edit your order then Print and use to enter on the Symbion ordering portal.