If a Certificate Expiry Warning prompt advising you to update your NASH certificates is displayed in your Minfos, please follow the steps in this article.

Request a NASH SHA-2 Certificate

First, request a NASH SHA-2 Certificate. Refer to Requesting a NASH SHA-2 certificate for guidance. 

This certificate comes as a single file - site.p12.

There are two steps to installing a NASH certificate:

Step One: Update MyHealth Record (MyHR) and Individual Health Identifier (IHI) Services.

Step Two: Update eRx configuration.

Both Step One and Two need to be performed.

Step One: Update IHI Services and MyHR Services


  1. Create a folder in H: Drive called MYHRcurrent year, e.g. MYHR2024.
  2. Save the NASH PKI certificate to H:\MYHRcurrentyear, e.g. MYHR2024. 
  3. Rename the certificate to fac_sign.p12.
  4. Ensure you have the PIC passphrase available.  It is recommended to save this as a text file in H:\MYHR2024\pic.txt.


Install the certificate:

1. Log on to the server.

2. From the Minfos Launch Pad, click the Special menu and then select Utilities.

The Utilities module is displayed.

3. Click the Config menu and select 1. Shop Configuration.

The Shop Configuration window is displayed.

4. Select the Services tab.

Note: You must update both the Health Identifier Services and My Health Records Services sections if your pharmacy uses both services.

5. In the Health Identifier Services section, ensure the HI Services Enabled checkbox is checked. Click the button next to the HI Signing Certificate field and choose the file fac_sign.p12 located in H:\MYHRcurrentyear, e.g. MYHR2024.

6. In the Certificate Install Password field, enter the PIC passphrase.

7. Click Install Certificates on Server.

a. If successful, a Success message is displayed and the Installed HI Signing Certificate Serial field will populate.

i. Click OK to close the prompt.

The Shop Configuration window is re-displayed.

ii. If your pharmacy also uses MyHR, skip to step 8. If your pharmacy does NOT use MyHR, skip to Step Two: Update eRx Configuration.

b. If a Failed message is displayed, contact Minfos Support.

i. Click OK to dismiss the prompt. You are unable to continue with the steps in this article, until Minfos Support contacts your pharmacy. Click OK to close the Shop Configuration window.

8. In the MyHealth Record Services section, ensure the My Health Record Services checkbox is checked. Click the button next to the PCEHR Signing Certificate field and choose the file fac_sign.p12 located H:\MYHRcurrentyear, e.g. MYHR2024.

9. In the Certificate Install Password field, enter the PIC passphrase.

10. Click Install Certificates on Server.

a. If successful, a Success message will display and the Installed HI Signing Certificate Serial field will populate.

i. Click OK to dismiss the prompt.

The Shop Configuration window is re-displayed.

b. If a Failed message is shown, contact Minfos Support.

i. Click OK to dismiss the prompt.

11. Click OK to save and close Shop Configuration.

12. Ensure you follow the next section Step Two: Update eRx NASH PKI Certificate.


Step Two: Update eRx Configuration

Pre-requisites (if the NASH cert is not located in H:\MYHRcurrentyear)

  1. Create a folder in H: Drive called eRxUpdatecurrentyear, e.g. eRxUpdate2024.
  2. Save the NASH PKI certificate to H:\eRxUpdatecurrentyear, e.g. eRxUpdate2024. 
  3. Rename the certificate to fac_sign.p12.
  4. Ensure you have the PIC passphrase available.  It is recommended to save this as a text file in H:\eRxUpdate2024\pic.txt.

Install the certificate:

1. Navigate to H:\Minfos01\Certificates\eRxUpdate2022 on the machine where eRx is installed. Most of the time, this is also the machine running PBS Online. 

Note: If you cannot load the NASH certificate from the H: drive, please copy the folder to the C drive and load it from there (C:\Minfos01\Certificates\eRxUpdatecurrentyear).

2. Right click on eRx configuration and select 'Run as administrator'.

A window similar to the below is displayed.

3. In the Step 1 panel leave option selected as Pharmacy. 

4. In the Step 2 panel click Install certificate from file.

The Certificate Import window is displayed.

A screenshot of a computer

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5. Browse to the folder where fac_sign.p12 is located (i.e. H:\eRxUpdate2024 or H:\MYHR2024) and select the file.  

6. In the Password section, enter the PIC passphrase.

7. Click Import.

The NASH Certificate is imported and listed in the Step 3 panel.   

8. Below the Step 4 panel, check the Update certificate on eRx Gateway checkbox and then click Next.

  1. If the update is successful, the eRx Configuration window is displayed, as below.

A screenshot of a computer

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i. Click Close.

b. If this window does not display as successful then attempt the process again. If still unsuccessful contact Minfos Support.


Test the Installation