Updated functionality currently in Beta
This article contains either new or updated functionality that is not generally available at this time.

From the Dispense Form:

1. Select a patient; ensure the pharmacy has access to their ASL. For further details see Request Access to a Registered Patient's ASL

2. Click ASL View.

The Active Script List window is displayed populated with the selected patient’s active prescriptions.

Note    To view complete eScript details prior to dispensing, select a script from the Active Script List window and click View eScript. The eScript details are displayed in the Print Preview window. 

3. Highlight the required eScript/s in the list, (using standard windows shortcuts e.g. [Ctrl + mouse click] or [Shift + mouse click]) and click Dispense.

Note Only eScripts can be dispensed from the ASL, if paper scripts are selected the following prompt is displayed when Dispense is clicked.

Click OK to close and continue with the dispensing process (the paper scripts will not be dispensed via the ASL dispensing process), or click Cancel to return to the Active Script List window to re-select only eScripts.
eScripts can be recognised by the E icon and they will display a token. Scripts without the E icon and no token are paper scripts.

4. The eScript is downloaded and the Dispense Form will populate with the eScript Details.

5. Dispense as per your usual process, refer to Dispense an eScript for more information.

6. Where multiple scripts were highlighted in the Active Script List, the Okay button on the Dispense Form is replaced with the Next + <the number of eScripts selected and waiting to be dispensed for that patient>.

  • For example, in the image below the button reads Next (3/15), the next eScript you will be dispensing is the 3rd prescription of 15 that were selected from the patient’s ASL.

7. Press [Enter] to save and process each eScript.

The Dispense Save and Process this script? window is displayed.

8. Untick the Patient wants scripts added to the ASL checkbox if the patient does not want the repeat uploaded to their ASL

9. Select from the Issue Repeat Token dropdown menu if the patient requires a token. By default this will be set to 0. Do not sent token.

For further information on these settings, see Manage how a patient receives their eScripts repeat

10. Click OK

Note If there are any errors when dispensing a script from the ASL, the following prompt is displayed:

Click OK to continue to the next eScript, or click Cancel to abort the dispensing process and clear all eScripts queued from the ASL for the patient.