The workflow to dispense scripts in Minfos remains basically the same regardless of what type of script is being dispensed. Earlier topics in this learning pathway have demonstrated how to dispense standard paper prescriptions and eScripts.

The resources in this topic will show you how to dispense other types of scripts that may be in common in a community pharmacy.

Repatriation prescriptions

Under the RPBS, eligible veteran card holders may receive:

  • items listed for supply in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
  • items listed under the RPBS, including wound care products
  • items not listed on either the PBS or RPBS Schedules, if there is a clinical need

 Video - Dispense Repatriation scripts

Watch the Video 
This video will demonstrate how to dispense prescriptions for customers with Repatriation entitlements. 

Further reading
To learn more about dispensing Repatriation scripts, please refer to the article below.
How to dispense a Repat/DVA script

Continued Dispensing

Continued dispensing lets you supply eligible PBS and RPBS medicines to a patient when:

  • there is an immediate need
  • they can’t get a prescription.

Before attempting to dispense a script as a Continued Supply, you must have the dispensing pharmacist set up as a prescriber in Prescriber Maintenance. This was demonstrated in Topic 1. 

Video - Continued Dispensing

Watch the Video 
Watch the video to learn how to dispense medication as a Continued Supply.

Further reading 
To learn more about Continued Dispensing in Minfos, please refer to the articles below.
Dispense a drug as Continued Dispensing supply
Claim for Continued Dispensing supplies
Continued Dispensing Report

Doctor's Bag prescriptions

Certain pharmaceutical benefits are provided without charge to prescribers who in turn can supply them free to patients for emergency use.

Video - Dispense a Doctor's Bag prescription

Watch the Video 
This video will demonstrate how to dispense Doctor's Bag prescriptions. 

Further reading
To learn more about the process demonstrated in this video, please refer to the article below.
Dispense a Paper Prescription

Dispense compounded products

Compounded products can easily be dispensed in Minfos. The resources included in this section will guide you through the process of dispensing a compounded item, including how to update the description of the item to reflect the ingredients. 

Video - Dispense compounded products

Watch the Video 
Learn how to dispense compounded items in this short video. 

Further reading 
To learn more about dispensing compounded products please refer to the below article.
Dispense Compounding products

Dispense Schedule 3 & retail items

Non-prescription products may be dispensed to a customer in Minfos. This allows the pharmacist to record the dispensing or dispense the product with directions printed on a label.

Like Continued Dispensing, the pharmacist dispensing the item should first be set up as a prescriber. 

Video - Dispense Schedule 3 & retail items

Watch the Video 
This video will demonstrate how to dispense Schedule 3 and retail (OTC) items. 

Further reading
To learn more about the processes demonstrated in this video, please refer to the article below.
Dispense an OTC or Schedule 3 product

Congratulations! You have completed this topic, Dispense other script types. You are now ready to progress to the next topic - Managing owing scripts.

Track your progress 
Don't forget to mark off your progress on the checklist before you move onto the next topic.