A new Dispense Quantity prompt on the Dispense Form will display when a dispenser scans either a paper script or an eScript and the quantity has not been specified by the prescriber as expected by Minfos.
For example, you have scanned an eScript for a 30g tub of cream and Minfos does not recognised the quantity:
2. Click OK or press [Enter], the Quantity from this field will populate the Qty field on the Dispense Form.
3. Click Cancel or press [Esc] to close the prompt.
Note Entering 0 in the Quantity field will cancel an eScript.
Minfos has worked closely with TerryWhite Chemmart to support its network of pharmacies as they gear up for a busy vaccination season. We have integrated Minfos Dispense and TWC’s booking platform, HealthEngine, to ensure the safe and efficient administration of key vaccines, including for COVID-19 and seasonal influenza.
When an appointment for a vaccination is made in HealthEngine it will feed into the Minfos Booking Queue. The Booking Queue allows you to easily view upcoming appointments and push them into the Dispense Form. The new workflow allows vaccinations to be efficiently dispensed in line with a patient’s appointment for administration by a pharmacist.
When you update to 6.2.2 a new icon ‘BQ’ will display on your Dispense Form:
The count next to the BQ icon is the number of bookings you have in the queue for the current day that still need to be dispensed in preparation for the patient’s appointment.
To open the Booking Queue either click the BQ icon or press [Alt + Shift + =].
The Booking Queue window is displayed. By default, all appointments, (bookings that have not been dispensed) for the current day to the following week will display. The sort order is based on appointment date-time.
Example of Booking Queue:
Note The Booking Queue will remain empty in your pharmacy until the integration has been rolled out across the TerryWhite Chemmart network, HealthEngine and your patients. Click here to view the Booking Queue Overview article. Click here to view the Dispense from the Booking Queue article.
Previously Minfos was only requesting stock from the robot when the robot stock count in Minfos was greater than 0. Now, Minfos will always request stock from the robot, regardless of the stock count in Minfos.
Stock Manager
PharmX accounts are now even easier to manage without the need to contact Minfos Support.
Where you have been advised a supplier will create a PharmX account in the near future, you can configure your account details for the supplier in Minfos. The account will then automatically link in Minfos once the supplier has activated the account in the PharmX portal. When the PharmX account is ready to use a notification displays when you open Order Maintenance.
Note This feature is currently only available for direct suppliers. For new Wholesalers accounts you can continue to create the PharmX accounts yourself via Minfos, refer to Create Accounts for PharmX Suppliers for instructions.
Set up the supplier in readiness for a PharmX account
From Supplier Maintenance:
1. Find and highlight the required supplier.
2. Click Change.
The Supplier Editing window is displayed.
a. Click the Supplier type drop-down and select CO Electronic.
b. Enter your account number in the Account No. field.
c. Click the Communications tab
d. Click the Comms. Format drop-down and select C. PharmX.
e. Click Find and select the required supplier from the list.
f. Click OK to save.
Note Depending on the supplier, you may be required to enter extra details on the Communications window. E.G. Order Type, Supply Method, Order Type, Backup, Delivery Type and Password. Contact your Supplier for more information.
3. Once the account has been created on the PharmX portal and Minfos has recognised the account credentials the following prompt is displayed when you open Order Maintenance.
a. If you select Do not display this message again, for the supplier displayed you will not be notified of the account again, you will however be prompted for any other new suppliers.
b. If you select Dismiss, you will be prompted again for this supplier when you next open Order Maintenance, along with any other new accounts that may have been created between the time the prompt was dismissed and the time Order Maintenance is re-opened.
Note The PharmX Supplier Account Creation prompt is NOT displayed if the account has been created via Minfos and approved by the supplier.
A message can be added to the till that will display to sales clerks each time they log in. This is beneficial when you want to provide information to your team as they interact with a customer, for example, you are having an in-store member’s only night soon.
Refer to Display a Message at the Till for Retail Assistants for more information.
Resolved Issues
1. For authority ePrescriptions the Phone Approval Number, where applicable, will now display on the Copy of Original eScript window. The field will either be labelled as a Streamlined Code or Phone Approval Number depending on the information displayed
2. The Dispense Date will now be correct when you receive an owing that was previously entered with a barcode
3. As per MediSecure requirements, a patient’s Date of Birth (DOB) is now required when dispensing an eScript. If you dispense a MediSecure eScript that does not have the patient’s DOB associated with it Minfos will prompt you to enter the DOB. This needs to be entered before the script can be saved and processed
4. The Owing Scripts prompt will now display when you are dispensing a repeat for the patient
5. It is no longer possible to have the same IHI number for two different patients
6. The Last Repeat Reminder report has been reformatted so it will fit a long Business name
7. Downloaded PBS scripts with increased quantities will display and transmit the PBS Code correctly
8. Previously we improved the handling of private ePrescriptions where the drug could not be found. This has now been extended to PBS ePrescriptions i.e. when Minfos cannot find a matching drug, you can now manually select the drug for dispensing
9. Minfos now recognises eRx eScripts when downloaded through MediSecure
1. The Product GPR’s Report now calculates GP and GP% based on the promotion price when a product is on a promotion
2. Selecting the Discounts button in Order Maintenance will no longer reset the Order Entry window
1. Customer Till Notes prompts when you select Change Customer in the Account and Layby windows
2. The text in the Customer Account window no longer overlaps
1. Scrolling through the list of businesses in Business Maintenance no longer causes the business to overlap