Changing your pharmacy approval number can be described as a three step process. These steps can be summarised as:

Step 1. Preparing to change the approval number

Step 2. Changing the approval number

Step 3. Following the change of the approval number

Steps 1 and 2 can be managed by the pharmacy. In step 3, Minfos will install the new PKI Certificates.

Step 1. Preparing to change the approval number

Note: This step should be carried out after settlement has taken place but before the approval number gets updated in Minfos. This is to ensure that the pharmacy can download at least an interim PBS Online report for the last claim under the previous approval number.

Review scripts waiting at the Till and then open a new claim.

Refer to Uncollected Scripts Report to run the Uncollected scripts report.

Here are 2 suggested options in regards to scripts waiting at the Till:

Option One: where the owner/s of the current approval number get the PBS contribution and the customer contribution goes to the owner/s of the new approval number.

1. Adjust the re-serialisation configuration: Uncheck the Re-serialise Scripts at Till on Close Claim. Refer to Configuration settings for Claims for more information.

2. Open a new claim and leave the amount owed by the customer at the Till. The PBS contribution for those scripts will be paid under the previous approval number owner/s and the owner/s of the new approval will retain the customer contribution.

Option Two: Owner/s of the new approval number will pass on the customer contribution after the customer has collected the scripts.

1. Charge the uncollected scripts to one single customer account.

2. Open a New Claim.

3. When the customer comes to pay for their scripts, do an account payment and use the Add Note function to record the customers name. 

4. Customer statement or Interim statement can be used to reconcile the amount received to the owner/s of the previous approval number.

Step 2. Changing the approval number

Warning: Before you enter the new Approval Number, ensure you action all rejected scripts and close any Open claims under your old approval number.
Note: The following steps must be carried out before the store starts trading under the new approval number but after settlement has taken place. This will ensure that all scripts will be dispensed under the correct Approval number.

1. Close Minfos on ALL workstations (except one) which runs Dispense Pro.

2. Close PBS Online, Back Office Service Manager will also close.

3. From Dispense Pro, click the Maintenance menu and select D. Configuration.

The Configuration window is displayed.

4. Change the Approval No. field to your new approval number.

Warning: Only proceed with this procedure once settlement has taken place. If the approval number is updated in Minfos BEFORE settlement , scripts may need to be deleted and re-dispensed.

5. Click OK to save.

6. Close Minfos on all workstations.

7. Restart Midas on the Server. 

  1. Click the Minfos icon on the Minfos Server window.
  2. Hover over Midas.
  3. Select Restart Midas.

8. Re-open Minfos and navigate to Dispense Pro. Click the Maintenance menu, select D. Configuration and check that the approval number has saved correctly.

9. Start PBS Online.

10. Dispense an original script and check that the approval number has changed correctly.

11. Contact Medicare and request them to activate the new approval number.

Step 3. Following the change of the approval number

Note: No action is required with MediSecure (MDS), as they use a propriety security certificate system that isn't affected by a change in approval number.

These steps should be carried out after the approval number change process is completed and the store has a valid NASH PKI Certificate.

1. The pharmacy has a valid NASH PKI Certificate.

2. Go to the website.

3. Click on Register Now.

4. Click on We are a Pharmacy.

5. Select the option This is a re-registration because the pharmacy has already been using eRx and has changed to a new approval number.

6. Supply the remainder of the requested information.

7. When eRx has processed the registration, they will automatically notify Minfos which will generate an Incident.

8. Minfos will call back regarding that Incident.

9. Minfos will update eRx using the NASH PKI Certificate.

10. Minfos will provide eRx with the Thumbprint from the new PKI Certificate.

11. The eRx will use the new Certificate Thumbprint and register the eRx gateway.

12. Minfos will notify the pharmacy that the eRx gateway is registered and the pharmacy can begin trading.