You can add a note to a customer and when the customer is selected at the till, for example to recall the customer’s scripts or make an account payment, the note will display. You can further configure the note to always display or allow the salesperson to stop the prompt displaying again in the future.

To add a till note:

Navigate to Customer Editing from: the dispense, customer or till module.

1. Click the Notes tab.

2. Enter the note in the Till Notes section that you want to display in the Till.

3. If you want the note to display every time the customer is selected ensure the Always display when the customer is selected checkbox is checked.

4. At the till when the customer is selected if the Always display when the customer is selected checkbox;

a. Is checked the prompt will allows display and the salesperson will click Dismiss to close the prompt.

b. Is NOT checked, the salesperson will have the option to select:

i. Dismiss which will close the prompt and the note will display the next time the customer is selected in the Till.


ii. Do not show this note again which will close the prompt and the note will not display in the future. They may do this if the note has been actioned and is no longer required.

Note If the Always display when the customer is selected checkbox is checked, the Do not show this note again button is not displayed on the Customer Note prompt.
To stop the prompt from displaying uncheck the Always display when the customer is selected checkbox.