This report can be used to audit access to My Health Record information.

You can view the below actions in the report: 

  • All: All My Health Record access is reported
  • Search: Where an IHI search was performed either from Dispense screen or Customer screen is reported
  • Upload: Where pharmacist uploaded a dispense record to myHR is reported
  • View: Where the pharmacist viewed the myHR documents for a patient is reported
  • Delete: Where a pharmacist removed a dispense record from the patient's myHR, or where a pharmacist has changed key details of a script (e.g. patient, drug), prompting the old record to be removed from myHR and a new record uploaded is reported
Note:  User ID’s with Admin rights to Dispense Reports can access the audit. If a User ID is set to Change, View or None they will not have access to the My Health Record Access Audit.

To run the My Health Record Access Audit:

1. Navigate to the Dispense Reports module

2. Click the Patients menu and select B. My Health Record Access Audit Report or click the My Health Record Access Audit icon.

3. Skip to Step 4, if the currently logged in user has Admin rights.

a. If the User does not have Admin rights, the Access Denied prompt is displayed.  


b. Click Authorise.

The Authorise Access prompt is displayed.

 4. Enter a User I.D and Password for a user that has Admin rights to Dispense Reports and click Okay.

The My Health Record Access Audit window is displayed.


a. Enter the required Ending Date.

b. Click the Report on drop-down and select the required time. 

c. Click the Action drop-down and make the required selection. 


  • All: To view all My Health Record access 
  • Search: To view where an IHI search was performed either from Dispense screen or Customer screen
  • Upload: To view where pharmacist uploaded a dispense record to myHR
  • View: To view where the pharmacist viewed the myHR documents for a patient
  • Delete: To view where a pharmacist removed a dispense record from the patient's myHR, or where a pharmacist has changed key details of a script (e.g. patient, drug), prompting the old record to be removed from myHR and a new record uploaded.

5. Click Okay to run the audit.

 The My Health Record Access Audit is displayed.