You can add a brief note to sales transactions from the Till. This option may be helpful for transactions that contain purchase orders or reference numbers that you wish to record against a specific sale.

A note can be conveniently added to the sales basket before or after scanning products, and can be changed or removed at any time prior to completing the sale.

Notes can also be recorded against customer account payments, which may assist with reconciliation processes.

Notes will be displayed:

  • on the docket
  • on a reprinted Tax Invoice
  • in the Sales Enquiry screen
  • in the Customer History report (if the customer was selected in the transaction where the note was added)
  • on Monthly and Interim Statements for account customers
Note To ensure the note will display neatly on the docket the note is limited to 40 characters in length.

Watch the video to learn more

Add a note to a sales transaction

  1. From the Till screen, click the Add Note button or use [F12] as a shortcut to launch the Add Notes To Sale screen.

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  1. Enter the note you wish to record, up to 40 characters.
  2. Click Enter to save the note.


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  1. On the Till screen, the Add Note button will have changed to Edit Note. You can edit or remove the note at any point until the transaction is completed.

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  1. To record the note against a customer, for the purpose of viewing at a later time in the customer history report, click the Select Customer button and select the customer before finalising the sale according to your regular procedure.
    Customers will be auto-populated when Scripts are recalled. See Sell a prescription to a customer.
    If you wish to record the note against an account sale or payment, ensure you have added the note prior to finalising the transaction.
    Adding a note on an account sale may assist the reconciliation process, as notes recorded in the sales transaction are included in the customer history report, and in monthly and interim statements.

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  1. Select payment type and complete the sale.
  2. The note will be displayed on the docket.

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Note The note will also print on the tax invoice when using the reprint docket function. See Reprint a Receipt for further details.

View the note after the sale is completed

The sale note is displayed in the Sale Detail Enquiry window, so you do not need to duplicate the docket to view the note again.

  1. From the Retail Till module, click any of the following enquiry icons to search for the transaction number required: 
    • Sales
    • Customer Sales & Account
    • Product
    • Clerk Sales
  2. Highlight the transaction and click Enquire.

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  1. The Sale Detail Enquiry window is displayed, containing the Sale Note.

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If a note was added to an account sale or payment, it will appear on monthly and interim statements

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The note will appear on the Customer Account History Report when the Detailed option is selected.

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Graphical user interface, text, email

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