Uploading of a customer’s Dispense record to their My Health Record occurs automatically when the Dispense record is saved in Minfos, after the system identifies that the record is authorised (satisfies steps 1, 2, and 3 below) for upload.

Video demonstration

Step 1: Does the customer have a My Health Record?

There will be a search initiated for the customers My Health Record when the customer is chosen in the Dispense form. If the My Health Record button indicates that the customer has an active My Health Record, then the dispensed record will be eligible for uploading to their My Health Record.

If the search is not complete before the dispense record is saved in Minfos, the system will still continue to search/validate the customer’s IHI to allow uploading the dispense record to their My Health Record. This process will not interrupt the normal dispense workflow.

Step 2: Does the Pharmacist have an Active HPI-I?

For the record to be uploaded to the customer’s My Health Record, the Pharmacist chosen in the dispense form should have an Active HPI-I.

If an Active HPI-I is not present it will be indicated in the dispense form, as below with a tool tip. If the configuration to show the Pharmacist’s initials in this Save and Process window is active, then an indication is also shown in this screen.

The record will still save in Minfos but it will not be possible to upload to the My Health Record without an active HPI-I.

Step 3: Provided consent to upload to the My Health Record

Selecting the My Health Record upload consent checkbox will allow uploading the record to the customer’s My Health Record. This is selected by default and only needs to be de-selected if the customer advises not to upload their record.

Step 4: Save the dispense record in Minfos

When the OK button on the Save and Process window is clicked, the Dispense record is saved in Minfos.

Step 5: Upload the record to My Health Record

The uploading of the record to the customer’s My Health Record is an automatic process which will continue even after the saving of the record in Minfos and will not interrupt the operation of the Dispense form. 

Edit a dispense record

When a dispense record is loaded for editing the following rules apply:

  • If this record was not previously uploaded to My Health Record and upload consent has been indicated, then this record will be uploaded to My Health Record.
  • If this record was previously uploaded and upload consent has NOT been indicated, then the record will be removed from My Health Record.
  • If this record was previously uploaded and the pharmacist editing the record does not have a HPI-I, then this record will be removed from My Health Record. 

Remove a dispense record

If this record was previously uploaded to My Health Record and the pharmacist has now deleted the record from Minfos, then this record will be removed from My Health Record.

Step 6: Track the uploaded records

The status of record uploads may be tracked by viewing the Script Status icons in the Script Enquiry window (accessed via the Rx. done button on the Dispense form). A blank space will be shown in this column if no attempt was made to upload the record to My Health Record (e.g. no consent to upload to My Health Record, customer does not have a My Health Record or pharmacist does not have an active My Health Record).

Other possible statuses are shown below.