Minfos recommends that you set up Automatic Software Updates to ensure you always have the latest features. If you wish to manage your software updates manually, please follow these steps to download and update software updates.

This article covers:

1. Download new Minfos software

Option 1: From the Minfos Launch Pad

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

1. Click the File menu and select Minfos Software Update.

The Manual Minfos Software Download prompt is displayed.2. Click Yes

The Please Wait window is displayed.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Once the download is complete the Manual Software Update Download window is displayed.

3. Click OK to close.

Minfos is now ready to update.

Option 2: From the Minfos Server Admin UI window

1. Open the Minfos Server User Interface Application located at H:\Minfos01\wcsdb5.ui.exe

The Minfos Server Admin UI window is displayed.   

2. The Minfos Database Server Service should automatically be running. If the Start button is greyed out the service is running.

If Start is available, then the Minfos Database Server Service is not currently running, click Start.

3. In the Minfos Server Admin UI window click the Minfos icon. 4. Select Download Software Update. 

5. Allow the download to complete. When the software update has been downloaded the message SOFTUPD successfully run is displayed in the Minfos Server Admin UI window. 

You can now proceed to Step 2. Update to the latest Minfos Software.

2. Update to the latest Minfos software

After you have downloaded the new Minfos software, there are options for performing the Minfos update.

  • Option 1: Automatic Update
  • Option 2: Manual Update from the Minfos Launch Pad
  • Option 3: Manual software update from Minfos Server UI window

Important: Before you update

Both update methods require you to ensure there are zero connections to your Minfos server.

Close all Minfos modules and applications that are running.  Some modules/applications to consider are:

  • Dispense
  • Stock Manager
  • Till
  • Minfos Automation Manager
  • PBS Online
  • PDA Wireless Server
  • Minfos Back Office Service Manager

Option 1: Automatic software update

An Automatic update will take place after trade during the End-of-Day process.  

1. Please ensure you have closed all Minfos applications at the end of trade so that the Minfos Software update can take place.

2. As part of End-of-Day, Minfos will automatically update the software.

Option 2: Manual software update from the Minfos Launch Pad

1. Close all Minfos modules and applications (including Automation Manager) on all workstations, leaving the Minfos Launch Pad open on one workstation.

2. Click the Special menu and select Database Server Update.

The Update Database Server window is displayed.3. Ensure the Connections field displays connections.

Note: If there are Connections displayed, click Cancel to close the Update Database Server window and ensure all Minfos modules and applications are closed. 

4. Check the Continue checkbox and click Okay.

a. If you attempt to click Okay and there are open connections the following System Warning is displayed.b. Click OK and ensure all Minfos modules and applications are closed. 

5. Close the Minfos Launch Pad on that workstation.

The update will process in the background, please wait 5 to 10 minutes before re-opening the Minfos Launch Pad on any workstation.

Option 3: Manual software update from Minfos Server Admin UI window

1. After the software update has been downloaded, click Update in the Minfos Server Admin UI window.

2. Allow the update to run.

3. Check your Minfos version

1. When you log into Minfos after the update has processed, the Minfos Software Update prompt is displayed.

2. Click the Minfos Release Notes link to view the Release Notes now.

a. Or they can be accessed at any time. Click the Minfos Launch Pad Help menu and select Release Notes.

3. Click OK to dismiss the prompt. 

4. Your current Minfos version is displayed at the bottom of the screen in each Minfos module.