Video demonstration

Step by step instructions

Each hire product will require its own individual stock card to be created.

1. On the Minfos Stock Manager window, click Product Maintenance.

2. Select Add.

3. Select Make Barcode.

4. In the Name text box, enter a description beginning with the word “HIRE followed by:

a. A description of the product.

b. The number which has been allocated to the individual hire product.

For example:


Note: It is highly recommended that each hire product is physically marked with a number, starting at 1 and continuing in sequential order for the same type of product. Marking each product this way ensures consistency when selecting a hire product when processing a hire transaction.

5. In the Product Type box, select 3. Hiring.

6. Ensure that the GST on Sales and GST on Purchases check boxes are checked accordingly.

7. Select the Categories tab.

8. In the Pref. Supplier text box, enter 13100 (MINFOS PTY LTD).

9. Enter all required details in Department, Company, Brand, I.E.U, Class and Location, according to categories maintained by the store.

10. In the A.R. Prod Code text box, enter “SALE4000 – Hiring Income”. Sale4000 - Hiring Income will ensure that all hire income is recorded correctly in Minfos Receivables.

11. Select the Hiring tab.

12. In the Deposit text box, enter the required deposit amount.

13. In the Hire Cycle text box, select your store’s preferred period of hire.

14. Enter an amount for the corresponding rate of hire for Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly text boxes.

It is recommended that a rate is entered for all hire cycles, regardless of the preferred hire cycle.

15. Click Okay to save.

16. To add additional hire products, repeat steps 2-15. Alternatively, the stock card can be copied using fewer actions following the steps below.

Copy a Hire Product

1. On the Product Maintenance window click Find to search for a current hire product.

2. Select Copy. 

The Copy Product prompt is displayed.

3. Select Yes to continue.

The copied product will appear directly below the original product.

4. Double click the copied product or highlight and select Change.

The Product Edit window is displayed.

5. In the Name text box, adjust the description of the hire product.

6. Ensure that the GST on Sales and GST on Purchases check boxes are checked accordingly.

7. Category information will be copied across and can be adjusted if required.

8. Select the Hiring tab and ensure that the following fields are adjusted according to the hire product.

  • Deposit text box.
  • Hire Cycle text box.
  • Stores preferred period of hire.
  • Dollar amounts for the corresponding rate of hire for Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly and Monthly.

9. Click Okay to save.