The Order Maintenance screen is the hub for ordering in Minfos. This screen allows you to find and interact with all the orders in your system, from creation, through transmission and receipt, to completion.

How to Access the Order Maintenance Screen

1. To access the Order Maintenance window from the Stock Manager module, either:

a. Click the Order Maintenance icon, or

b. Click the Ordering menu.

Graphical user interface, application, Word

Description automatically generated

Order Maintenance OverviewColumns

You can sort orders by clicking the relevant column header. Click the same column header again to reverse the order, i.e., to change from ascending to descending and vice versa. Press [F2] to return to the default sort order.



1. Order No.

Minfos order number.

2. Created Date

Date the order was created in Minfos.

3. Status


  • Created
  • Issued
  • Received
  • Completed

4. Supplier

Supplier selected to fulfill the order.

5. Invoice No.

Invoice number provided by the supplier.

6. Description

Text field to provide additional detail.




a. Add

Create a manual order or invoice, refer to Create a Manual Invoice for more information.

b. Generate

Generate an order, refer to Generate Orders Overview.

c. Order Templates

Add/Edit or Generate saved order templates, refer to Order Templates Overview for more information.

d. Enquire

Enquire on orders, no changes can be made in the Order Enquiry window.

e. Change

Edit an order, refer to Edit an Order for more information.

f. Delete

Delete an order/invoice. This process cannot be reversed.

g. Find

Click Find, enter the invoice number to find the order.

h. Issue

Update the status of an order from Created to Issued i.e. the order has been sent to the supplier manually e.g. emailed or faxed.

i. Transmit

Electronically sends the highlighted order to the supplier via PharmX. Refer to Transmit an Order for more information.

j. Received

Update the status of an order from Issued to Received. Refer to Complete a Manual Invoice for more information.

k. Collect Invoices

Minfos will check with PharmX for all uncollected invoices from all suppliers, and mark them as Received. Refer to Collect Electronic Invoices for more information.

Electronic Stock Transfers are also collected from your FTP.

l. 1. Scan Tote

Scan the barcodes on the Symbion Totes to mark off orders. Refer to Mark off Symbion Orders by Tote for more information.

m. Complete

Completes the invoice in Minfos. Refer to Complete Electronic Invoice and Complete a Manual Invoice for more information.

n. X.Redirect

Change the supplier for the highlighted order. Refer to Redirect an Order to learn more.

o. Z. Merge

Merge 2 order together, refer to Merge an Order to learn more.

p. CopyCreate a new order with the same supplier and products as an existing order.

q. Completed Orders

View orders that have the status Completed.

r. Pricing

Open Order Pricing window for selected order. Refer to Complete Electronic Invoices or Complete a Manual Invoice for more information.

s. Rebates

Open Rebate Confirmation window.

t. W.Price Manager

Open Price Manager, with the option of using invoice cost prices to review and update retail pricing. Refer to Use Invoice Cost to review pricing before completing an order.

u. Product Quick Fix

Open the Product Quick Fix window to change attributes on stock cards in bulk.  Refer to Product Quick Fix Overview for more information.

v. Labels

Open Print Order Labels screen for selected order.

w. ImportAllows you to import an order from a csv file.  Refer to Import an Order into Order Maintenance.

x. Print

Open Report Type window.

y. Cancel

Exit the Order Maintenance window.

 Completed Orders

  • To view orders with the status Completed, click Completed Orders on the main Order Maintenance view
  • To return to the main Order Maintenance view, click Cancel 

Completed Orders



1. Order No.

Minfos Order number.

2. Created Date

Date the order was created in Minfos.

3. Supplier

Supplier selected to fulfill the order.

4. Invoice No.

Invoice number provided by the supplier.

5. Description

Text field to provide additional detail.

a. Enquire

Open Order Enquiry window for selected order.

b. Find

Open Search window.

c. Copy

Create a new order with the same supplier and products as an existing order.

d. Print

Open Report Type window.

e. Labels

Open Print Order Labels screen for selected order.

f. Product Quick Fix

Open the Product Quick Fix window to change attributes on stock cards in bulk.

g. Price Manager

Open Price Manager, with the option of using invoice cost prices to review and update retail pricing. Refer to Use Invoice Cost to review pricing before completing an order

h. Next

View next page of orders.

i. Prev

View previous page of orders.

j. Cancel

Exit the Completed Orders view, and return to the default view of Order Maintenance.