From Order Maintenance:

1. Highlight the required order and click Change.The Order Editing window is displayed.

a. QtyThis is the quantity on order.
b. SOHThis is your current stock on hand.
c. Units Sold & Units Purchased tableDisplays the current and last 12 months of sales and purchases for the highlighted product.
d. ChangeAllows you to edit the Qty field.
e. Generic
Allows you to view your stock on hand of generic brands, you can then add a generic brand to this order. Refer to View generics for a selected product while editing an order for more information.
f. AddAllows you to add a product to the order.
g. SupplierAllows you to edit the supplier details e.g. minimum order quantity, minimum shelf hold, order multiple & maximum shelf hold.
h. Stock CardAllows you to open the Product Edit window and make any required product attribute changes e.g. Re-Order (Stocked) status, Preferred Supplier and any category changes.
i. InfoAllows you to add a product note or information to the selected item. Refer to Add information notes to products for more information.
j. DeleteAllows you to remove a product from an order. Highlight an item and click Delete. The Order Item prompt is displayed.
Click Yes to delete the item.
k. Sales & Purchases
Allows you to view the Product Sales or Product Purchases Enquiry window.

Change a Qty:

1. Highlight the required product and click Change.

The Order Detail window is displayed.

a. Update the Quantity field.

Unit Sales for the last 12 months displays.

b. Click Okay to save the Quantity.

Review the required products in your order and refer to Transmit an Order to electronically send your order. Refer to Create accounts for PharmX suppliers if you do not currently have a PharmX account for your wholesaler.