The Items in Pack quantity for products may need to be adjusted for either Repat/DVA prescriptions; to ensure the correct quantity is claimed through PBS. Or packing; where the items are charged to the Pill Box.
Note The Items in Pack quantity cannot be adjusted for a product with the Drug flag. Products that are flagged as drugs will automatically send the correct quantity via PBS Online for Repat/DVA scripts. Where a product flagged as a drug is used for packing and the quantity is not the tablet quantity a manual adjust to the VPB will be required. Refer to Virtual Pillbox Overview for more information.
From Product Maintenance:
1. Click Find.
The Search window is displayed.2. Search for the product e.g. BL MACU-VISION and click Okay.
3. Highlight the product and click Change.
The Product Edit window is displayed.4. Click on the Drug tab.
5. Update the Items in Pack to the required quantity. 1 for Repat/DVA scripts or the number of tablets for packing.
6. Click OK to save.
Note You may want to review your update settings. Items in Pack can be updated via MNPN updates, if you do not want to update this field during the update process, refer to Automatic Direct Supplier MNPN updates and Manual Direct Supplier MNPN updates to adjust your settings.