The Sales Enquiry window allows you to view transactions within a specified date range and transaction type. You can easily select and drill down on specific sales to view the details of the sale. 

  1. The Sales Enquiry window can be accessed from the Customer and Till modules.
    1. From the Customer module:
      1. Click Enquire.
      2. Select 4. Sales Enquiry.
      3. Alternatively, click the Sales Enquiry icon.
        A close-up of a logo

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    2. From the Till module:
      1. Click Enquiry.
      2. Select 1. Sales Enquiry.
      3. Alternatively, click the Sales icon.

The Sales Enquiry window is displayed.

A screenshot of a computer

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The current day's sales are displayed by default. 

  1. To view another date or date range, enter the required date/s in the From Date and To Date fields, then press [Tab].

Transactions within the specified date range are displayed.

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By default, all transaction types are displayed. 

  1. Click the Trans. type dropdown to view sales of a specific type. Select from:
  • All Sales
  • Sales
  • Return
  • Payment
  • Lay By
  • Lay By Pay
  • Cash Out
  • Warehouse 
  • Account Sales
  1. If required, click Next or Prev to move through the sales.
  2. To view the details of a specific sale, select the sale and click Enquire.

The Sale Detail Enquiry window is displayed.

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  1. Click Cancel to exit the Sales Enquiry window.