This option allows you to easily print or queue labels for a specified order.

  1. From the Stock Manager module, click Labels.
  2. Select 3. Re-Print Order Labels.

The Re-Print Order Price Labels window is displayed.

A screenshot of a computer screen

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  1. Enter the Order Number to print labels for.
  2. Click the Label Type dropdown and select the required label type.
  3. Select the Print Quantity. Choose from:
    • Print for Order Quantity
    • Print Stock on Hand Quantity
    • Print Single Labels
  4. Uncheck Non APN Bar Coded Only to print/queue labels for all products. Leave selected to print labels only for products with a Minfos generated barcode.
  5. Uncheck Show Prices to exclude pricing information from the labels.
  6. Check Send to Queue to send the labels to the Label Queue, or leave unchecked to print immediately.
  7. Check Include S2s & S3s to include labels for schedule 2 and 3 products.
  8. Click Okay.

The labels are sent to the queue or printed.