Minfos Pilot Stores Only 
This article is intended for Minfos Pilot stores only. It contains new functionality that is not generally available at this time.

Minfos functionality allows stores to offer a Pay in Store option for online sales.

After this option has been enabled, sales clerks can retrieve online sales transactions via a configurable hotkey, then process payment for the sale at the Till. Refer to Enable Minfos to retrieve online sales for payment at Till for set up guidance.

1. At the Till, enter your Clerk Code and press [Enter].

2. Click the Online Sales hotkey.

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The Retrieve Online Sale window is displayed.

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3. Enter the Online Sales ID, Surname or First name of the relevant online sale, and click Enter.

The matching results are displayed in the Online Sales Selection window.

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To view the contents of a sale prior to selecting it for payment, highlight the sale and click Details. 

The sale contents are displayed in the Order Details window. 

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4. Select the required online sale and click Enter.

The online sale products are added to the Till transaction.

If the sale contains scripts that cannot be found in your Minfos, the following Error is displayed, listing the scripts that cannot be found. The other items are added to the sale.
If the sale contains only scripts that cannot be found in your Minfos, the following Error is displayed, listing the scripts that cannot be found. No items are added to the sale.

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For non-prescription items, Minfos will compare the price from your Minfos and the price from the online sales system and apply the lowest price to the sale.

For prescription items, the Minfos price is always applied.

5. Add any additional products to the sale if required.

6. Finalise the sale and process payment following your usual process.