Minfos Pilot Stores Only 
This article is intended for Minfos Pilot stores only. It contains new functionality that is not generally available at this time.

Minfos functionality allows stores to offer a Pay in Store option for online sales.

After this option has been enabled, sales clerks can retrieve online sales transactions via a configurable hotkey, then process payment for the sale at the Till. 

1. From the Minfos Launch Pad, click Special and select Utilities.

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The Utilities module is displayed.

2. Click Shop Configuration.

The Shop Configuration window is displayed.

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3. Click Till.

4. In the Retrieve Online Sales panel, check Enable Online Sales Hotkey in the Till.

5. Enter the name for the hotkey in the Hotkey Name field. This text will display on the hotkey at the Till.

6. Enter the API Key in the field provided.

7. Click OK.

The Shop Configuration window is closed.

8. Close the Utilities module.

9. From the Minfos Launch Pad, click Till.

The Retail Till module is displayed.

10. Click Till.

The Till window is displayed.

11. Enter your Clerk Code and press [Enter]. 

The Online Sales Hotkey you have added is now available to select in the Till.

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