The Ordering Audit Report allows you to track and verify changes made to orders and order templates.

1.In the Stock Manager module, click the Reports menu.

2. Navigate to 1. Ordering Reports then select 7. Ordering Audit Report.

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The Ordering Audit Report window is displayed.

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3. Enter the Starting Date and Ending Date of the time period you want to report on.

4. In the Order Type field, leave the value set as POS/Purchase to report on changes to orders.
Or, to report on changes to order templates select Template from the dropdown menu.

5. Leave the radio button set as All Changes to include all changes in the report. E.g. Changes to Order Description, Invoice Number.
Alternatively, select Status Changes Only to include only status changes. For e.g. Orders changing from Created to Issued.

6. When Status Changes Only is selected, the Order Status panel becomes available. Uncheck any Order Status states that should be excluded from the report.

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7. Leave All Sources selected to include changes from all sources in the report.
Or, select Specific Sources Only and then check the Change Sources to include in the report:

  • API
  • Template Generation
  • Order Maintenance

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8. Click the Sort By dropdown menu and select the criteria to sort the report by:

  • Date/Time
  • Id
  • User
  • Source
  • Order No.
  • Supplier
  • Invoice No.
  • Description
  • Change Type
  • Previous details
  • Changed details

9. Click OK to run the report.

The Ordering Audit Report is displayed.

Ordering Audit Report where Order Type: POS/Purchase was selected

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Ordering Audit Report where Order Type: Template was selected

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Report Columns

The Ordering Audit Report will display the following columns related to the event.




Date of change.


Time of change.


The Minfos Station ID.


User that made the change, e.g. BR1.

Order No.

Order Number of the order where the change has occurred

Supplier Code

Supplier Code of the order where the change has occurred

Invoice No.

Invoice Number of the of the order where the change has occurred


Description of the order where a change has occurred

Change Source

The process /operation that made the change, e.g. Order Maintenance, API, Template Generation

Field Id

The name of the field that has changed.

Previous Details

What the value (e.g. Description) was before it changed.

Changed Details

What the value resulting from the change.