Use the Re-Print Order function to reprint a single or range of orders by Order Number. You may choose to reprint the order/s as a Proposed Product Order Report or Purchase Order. When printing in Purchase Order Format you have the flexibility to include or exclude prices from the printed order/s if required.

1. From the Stock Manager module, click the Reports menu.

2. Mouse over 1. Ordering Reports and select 2. Re-Print Orders from the sub-menu.

A screenshot of a computer

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The Re-Print Order window is displayed.

A screenshot of a computer

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3. Enter the Order Number or range of Order Numbers that you wish to re-print in the From Order No and To Order No fields.

4. Purchase Order Format is checked by default. Leave this option checked to print the order/s in Purchase Order Format or uncheck this option to print the order/s in the Proposed Product Order Report format.

5. Show Prices is checked by default and cannot be unchecked when printing in the Proposed Product Order Report format. If Purchase Order Format is checked you have the option to uncheck Show Prices to exclude pricing from the printed orders if desired.

6. Click Okay.

The order/s are displayed.

A screenshot of a computer

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7. Click Print to print the orders.

8. Click Close to close the order/s and return to the Stock Manager module.

Examples of order formats

Purchase Order Format checked and Show Prices checked

A close-up of a purchase order

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Purchase Order Format checked and Show Prices unchecked

A receipt with numbers and numbers

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Proposed Product order Report format (Purchase Order Format unchecked)

A close-up of a receipt

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