When sending a Stock Transfer you may wish to print and include a Packing Slip to make sure that the order is accurately fulfilled and the receiving store receives the items they are expecting.

Packing Slips can be printed individually or by a range from the Transfer Maintenance window, or the Transfers menu.

Print a Packing Slip from Transfer Maintenance

1. From the Stock Manager module, click the Transfers menu and select 1. Transfers.

The Transfer Maintenance window is displayed.

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2. Take note of the Trans No of the transfer/s you wish to print Packing Slips for and click Print.

The Re-Print Packing Slips window is displayed.

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3. Enter the Trans No or range of Trans No’s you wish to print in the From Slip No. and To Slip No. fields.

4. Uncheck Include Cost if you do not want the cost of the products to be included on the packing slip.

5. Click Okay.

The Packing Slip is displayed.

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6. Click Print to print the packing slip.

Print Packing Slips from the Transfers menu

1. From the Stock Manager module, click the Transfers menu and select 2. Packing Slips.

The Re-Print Packing Slips window is displayed.

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2. Enter the Trans No or range of Trans No’s you wish to print in the From Slip No. and To Slip No. fields.

Note    By default, the most recently created transfer is selected.

3. Uncheck Include Cost if you do not want the cost of the products to be included on the packing slip.

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4. Click Okay. 

The Packing Slip is displayed.

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5. Click Print to print the packing slip.