The Product Sales Enquiry window allows you to view the sales activity of a specified product. The sales activity may be viewed as a monthly or daily summary, or at a transaction level.

The Product Sales Enquiry window can be accessed from both the Stock Manager and Retail Till modules.

From the Till module:

1. Click Enquiry.

2. Select 4. Product Enquiry.

Or, from the Stock Manager module:

1. Click Enquiry. 

2. Select 1. Product Sales.

The Product Sales Enquiry window is displayed.

3.In the Product field, enter the product number, barcode or product description and press [Tab].

4. If required, select the relevant product customer in the Product Search Window and click Okay.

The Product Sales Enquiry window is displayed.

5. Click Okay to load the sales data.

The sales activity is displayed in the Product Sales Enquiry window.

Please refer to the image and table below for an explanation of the features of this window.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated



a. Product

Search for a product by product number, barcode or description and press [Tab].


b. From Date and To Date

Enter the relevant date range for the transactions you wish to view.
 The default date range is the last 12 months.

c. Transaction

Click the dropdown to view the sales by:

  • Transaction (default)
  • Daily sales
  • Monthly sales

d. Transactions panel

Displays list of transactions based on the options selected.

e. Next /Prev

Displays Next or Previous page of the listed transactions.

f. Enquire

Select a transaction and click Enquire to view details of the transaction.

g. Cancel

Close the Customer Account Enquiry window.