In preparation for migration from Centralised Customer Accounts (CCA) to Centralised Statements, this tool allows you to map CCA accounts where your pharmacy is the master store, to customers in your database. This ensures that account data will be attached to the correct customers during the migration process.

  • The Mapping Tool is preparation only and will not migrate your data
  • The Mapping Tool is only available for stores and cannot be used at Head Offices

    1. From the Minfos Launchpad, click Special and select Utilities.

The Utilities module is displayed.

    2. Click Special and select J. CCA Mapping Tool.

The CCA Customer Mapping Tool window is displayed.

The first time the tool is used Minfos will suggest a customer for each CCA account to be mapped to based on the following rules:

  • If only one customer is linked to the CCA account, the account is mapped to that customer.
  •  If multiple customers are linked to the CCA account:
    • The account is mapped to the linked customer whose First Name and Surname both match the CCA account
    • If there are no First Name matches, the account is mapped to the linked customer whose Surname matches and has the lowest Customer Code
    • If there are no Surname matches, the account is mapped to the linked customer with the lowest Customer Code
These accounts are displayed as Auto mapped in the CCA Customer Mapping Tool window.
  • If there are no customers linked to the CCA account the Mapping Type Create is displayed.

3. By default, CCA accounts that have multiple linked customers are displayed. Click the Select CCA Accounts to display dropdown menu to view:

  • CCA Accounts with multiple linked customers (default view)
  • CCA Accounts with one linked customer
  • CCA Accounts with no linked customer

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    4. Review each list of suggested mappings.

Tip The suggested mappings can be reviewed over several sessions. Click Save Mappings before closing the screen each session to retain your changes.

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    5. To change the customer a CCA Account is mapped to, select the account and click Edit Mapping.

The Edit Mapping window is displayed.

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6. Click the Mapping Type dropdown menu.

a. To map the CCA Account to a different linked customer:

i. Click Select linked Customer.

ii. The dropdown menu below will show all customers linked to the CCA account. Select the customer you want the CCA account to be mapped to.

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            iii. Click OK.

The updated mapping is displayed in the CCA Mapping Tool window and the Mapping Type is updated to Manual.

        b. To map the CCA account to customer not linked to the account:

            i. Click Select other Customer.

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ii. Enter the Surname of the customer you want to map the account to in the textbox and press [Tab].

iii. Select the relevant customer from the Customer Search Window and click Okay.

iv. Confirm the correct customer is displayed in the Edit Mapping window and click OK.

The updated mapping is displayed in the CCA Customer Mapping Tool window and the Mapping Type is updated to Manual.

c. Where there is no existing customer record to map the CCA account to:

    i. Select Create new Customer.

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            ii. Click OK.

A new customer record will be created when the CCA to CS migration process occurs. The Mapping Type Create is displayed in the CCA Mapping Tool window.

7. Continue to review each list.

8. Before exiting the screen, click Save Mappings to save your progress.

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Minfos will retain your changes.

If required, click Reset Mappings and all previous changes will be discarded. Minfos will recalculate the mappings the next time the Mapping Tool is opened.

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    9. Click Cancel to close the CCA Customer Mapping Tool window.

A Warning is displayed.

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    10. Click Yes to confirm you have saved your changes and wish to exit.

Ensure you click the Select CCA Accounts to display dropdown menu to review all three types of CCA accounts:
  • CCA Accounts with multiple linked customers (default view)
  • CCA Accounts with one linked customer
  • CCA Accounts with no linked customer

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