While you can't have a stocktake without counting the stock, the reporting that comes after entering your stock count into Minfos is equally as important. 

Generating and reviewing these reports after stocktaking provides information about where stock levels are higher or lower than expected, as well as overall stock holding information by category or the whole pharmacy.

Stock Variance reports

The Stock Variance report identifies products where the stock on hand counted in the stocktake is higher or lower than what is expected in Minfos. This report should be run individually for each location in your pharmacy.

It is important to note that in this report:

  • A negative quantity indicates the store has gained this stock
  • A positive quantity indicates the store has lost this stock

Any unexpected discrepancies should be investigated. 

Video - Stock Variance report

Watch the video 
Learn how to run the Stock Variance report by Location in this video tutorial.

Further reading 
If you would like to learn more, please refer to the article below. Stock Variance report

Review discrepancies

After you have run the Stock Variance report, review the report and identify any unexpected issues. There can be any number of reasons why a stock variance has been reported, including:

  • Miscounting during the stocktake
  • Failing to enter an invoice
  • Completed duplicate invoices
  • Theft
  • Credits or free stock not entered in Minfos

For example, if your Stock Variance Report for the Blackmores location indicates most products have increased in SOH, then perhaps an invoice was not entered, even though the physical stock has been placed on the shelf. 

To help you identify the cause of a stock variance, it may be helpful to examine the sales and purchase history and the Product or Category Audit reports.

Video - Product Audit report

Watch the video
Learn how to examine the changes made for a specified stock card or run a report to capture changes to any stock cards in a specified time frame in this video tutorial.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more about functions mentioned in this video, please refer to the article below. Product Audit report

Video - Category Audit report

Watch the video
Learn how to run the Minfos Category Audit reports to pinpoint changes in your database, sorted by category.

Further reading
If you would like to learn more about functions mentioned in this video, please refer to the article below. Category Audit report

Stock On Hand report

The Stock On Hand report provides a Stock Valuation of your current stock holding.  This report may be requested for accounting or tax reporting purposes. 

It is recommended that this report be run outside of trading hours. If you are running this report at the EOFY, run the report either before the store opens for trade on the 1st of July, or on the 30th of June after the automatic End of Day process has run.  

Step by step instructions 
To learn how to run this report, please refer to the article below. Stock on Hand report

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