Updated functionality currently in Beta
This article contains either new or updated functionality that is not generally available at this time.

You can add  notes to a Customer Record that will display when the customer is selected in the Dispense Form

You can configure the note to always display, or manually view the Notes by clicking Vw notes f6.

There are two types of Dispense notes available Free Text Notes or Date Stamped Notes. For notes at the Till refer to Customer notes to prompt at the Till.

Free Text Notes

  • The first line of free text notes is displayed on the Dispense Form in red
  • For messages that are important to the dispenser, but do not need to be recorded permanently in the customer's profile e.g. record customer preferences, such as a dislike of generic medication

Date Stamped Notes

  • Viewable in the Notes tab of the Customer Editing window
  • Record a date specific event e.g. a medication change or notes from a consult

Add a Customer Note

From the Dispense Form:

1.  Click Vw notes f6, or press [F6].

The Customer Editing window is displayed with the Notes tab selected.


2. Click Change f3, or press [F3].

The Customer Editing window is displayed with the Details tab selected.

3. Click the Notes tab.4. To record a Free Text Note, enter text in the Free Text Notes section.

Note: These notes can be deleted/removed at any time and there is no record of the note in the customers profile.

5. To record a Date Stamped Note, click Add Date Stamped Note.

Note: Date Stamped Notes cannot be deleted/removed. The notes remain in the customers profile.

The Add Date Stamped Note window is displayed.

   a. Enter the required text.

Note    This field is limited to 500 characters. Notes with more than 500 characters will be truncated.

   b. Enter your initials in the Pharmacist field and press [Tab].

   c. Click Save.

6. To display the Notes every time the customer is selected, ensure the Display Notes in Dispense when this customer is selected checkbox is checked.

7. Click OK to save and close.