Once you update to 6.4..1 you should see a new ASL button on the Dispense Form.
Read ASL Statuses to understand the different status of the ASL button.
Refer to Register a Patient for an ASL to get started on registering your first patient. As part of the ASL signup process the patient or their carer will receive an SMS or email to consent to give you access to their ASL. This can be access for a day or ongoing, refer to Request Access to a Registered Patient's ASL for more information.
To familiarise yourself with the ASL functionality we recommend you start with registering yourself and staff members that would like an ASL.
More helpful articles can be found on the Minfos Help Centre:
- Add a script from an ASL to the eQueue
- Dispense from a Patient's ASL
- Update a Patient's ASL Profile
- Troubleshoot ASL
- Register a patient for an ASL - video
- Request ASL consent from a registered patient - video
- Dispense from an ASL - video
- ASL Privacy Framework
- Minfos eScripts with ASL webinar recording
In preparation for electronic NRMCs, from the 1st of October it is mandatory to indicate to PBS Online if a claim is for a paper or electronic prescription. Minfos will automatically flag the prescriptions accordingly as part of the claim.
To avoid receiving PBS rejections on all PBS claims ensure you update to Minfos 6.4.1 or above by the 1st of October 2021.From 1 July 2021, there were changes to the Closing the Gap (CTG) PBS Co-payment Program. PBS prescribers are no longer legally required to write or electronically print ‘CTG’ on eligible PBS prescriptions for registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Instead, when a claim is made PBS Online verify the CTG status of the patient in real-time.
In line with these changes, the CTG field on the Dispense Form is now a checkbox.
If a PBS Response for a claim is R811, i.e. Patient registered on the CTG program but the script has not been claimed as CTG, Minfos will automatically check the CTG checkbox in the patient's profile so that future scripts are correctly claimed as CTG. The rejected script will still need to be manually edited, flagged as CTG and re-submitted.
For more information please refer to Dispense scripts for Closing the Gap (CTG) customers
You can now manage up to 10 suppliers using the Preferred Generic Suppliers feature, ensuring Minfos will always prompt with your preferred generic supplier for the selected item in Dispense.
For more information please refer to Set Preferred Generic Suppliers.Previously when a script was scanned in Dispense and the Medicare issue number on the script differed from the patient’s record Minfos would prompt to update the number. This prompt will no longer display if the issue number varies, assisting with streamlining the dispensing process.
To meet Medicare requirements the Prescription Record Form (PRF) now lists the Medicare and Concession details for all family members.
You can now easily update or review a selected Prescriber’s details from the Dispense Form.
Simply select the on the Dispense Form to open the Prescriber Editing screen for the selected prescriber.
Update the details and select OK to save changes.
The edit icon is disabled if no Prescriber is selected in the Doctor field.Stock Manager
When the fixed price for a drug and a specified quantity is changed it is now captured in the Product Audit Report.
To report on Fixed Drug Pricing changes navigate to Stock Manager
- Select the Reports Menu
- Select 2. Product Reports
- Select 5. Product Audit Report
Under Report Options select ‘Fixed Price Changes’
- Select OK to run the report
- The Source column displays the method that updated the Fixed Drug Price. For example, if the price was changed via Drug Pricing Maintenance, then the Source displays DISP PRICING, but if changed via importing a drug file, the Source column will display IMPORT PRICING.
- If the price change is for a drug and a multi-pack quantity the MP Qty column displays quantity updated. If the price change is for the standard pack for the drug size, the MP Qty column will display as 0.
- The Change Type will display as Fixed Price.
- Where a fixed price was previously set for the drug, the value will display in the Previous Details column. This field will be blank if the drug has no previous fixed price at the selected quantity.
- The new or updated fixed price will display in the Changed Details column. If the fixed price is removed from the drug then this field will be blank.
Note The report only captures price changes where the price is set to or from a Fixed Price, i.e. prices set using Fixed Price Mark-Up or Pricing Table are not captured in the Product Audit Report. Only changes saved against the drug will be captured in the report. Changing a price for a specific customer or setting a Special Pricing for a customer will not be captured in the report.
To improve reliability, the auto-start and stop function in promotions has been moved to an end of day process.
The functionality has been removed from Neurallion, including the "AUTO Started/Stopped Promotions" option on the Neurallion Output screen.Packing
From the 1st of July a new program, the Indigenous DAA (IDAA) Program, will be available. This Program will include un-capped access to DAAs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The IDAA Claim Form will include the following mandatory fields:
- Patient DVA/Medicare Number
- Date of DAA Service
To make it easy to complete claim forms for the new IDAA Program and the existing DAA Program Minfos has updated the DAA Claim: Service Details report in Minfos Packing. You are now able to run the DAA Claim: Service Details report for all patients, patients that identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and patients that do not identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
For more information refer to Packing DAA Claim: Service Details
To indicate in Minfos that a patient identifies as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people follow this article - Maintain if person identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait IslanderTo indicate if a patient identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander select or unselect the Person identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander checkbox in the Customer Editing screen.
Tiered Drug Pricing is now available for Multi-store allowing you to manage up to 3 tiers of drug pricing for your group.
When your Head Office system updates to Minfos 6.4.1, an updater task will run to update the previous single level drug pricing in Multi-store to Tiered Drug Pricing. Minfos will automatically set the single level to tier 1 so that neither your Head Office or stores are impacted by the update i.e.- Fixed drug pricing you currently have set will copy across to tier 1
- Subscribed stores will be automatically subscribed to receive tier 1 pricing
Note The updater task may take some time to complete, so please be patient if you run the software update manually at Head Office.
Key features:
- Head Office can manage up to 3 tiers of drug pricing
- Each store is then subscribed to their tier from Update Manager at the Head Office
- If you are unable to subscribe any of your stores to Drug Pricing as it is greyed out, please contact Minfos Support
- Tiered Drug Pricing changes flow to stores in near real time
- Tiered Drug Pricing is managed in one easy to use window in the Multi-store module; Drug Pricing in Dispense Pro is disabled at Head Office
For more information refer to our articles:
Hardware vendors no longer require special access to change FTP settings at your store. Removing the need to contact Minfos Support as part of this process.
To update FTP settings:
- From the Minfos Launchpad
- Select the Special menu
- Select Utilities
- Select the Config menu
- Select 1. Shop Configuration
- Select the Multistore tab
Resolved Issues
- The Find function in Script Enquiry has been resolved and will now search correctly.
- Selecting a Chemotherapy item will no longer cause the Pharmacist and Dispenser field to overlap.
- Previously when an eScript encounters a transmission error, the script is not retransmitted. As a result, the repeat details are not available for downloading. Improvements have been made so that when an eScript encounters an error, there will be multiple attempts to transmit the script.
- Minfos will no longer change an eScript to a paper script after selecting Add F5.
- Improvements have been made to match by Trade Name before Generic Name when downloading Private Scripts.
- Previously Minfos was changing Sigs into directions if the directions exceeded a certain length. This has now been resolved and long directions will remain as Sigs.
- Quantity Exceeded warning will now prompt if you select a Generic which has a lower Quantity than the original selection.
- The Multistore’s Previous Takings Report will now include the header.
- Days printed on the Monthly Blister Foils will now be abbreviated.
- Charging a split payment to Account will no longer be reported as Account Payment in the Interim Statement.
- Payments made on the last day of the month to Customer Accounts will now be displayed in the Club Statement report.
- The Drug Recall window will now send a SOH request to the robot to update robot stock. This function is only available with the Minfos Robotic Interface.
- The Quantity field in Sales Enquiry will be displayed with decimals. This allows part packs sold to be displayed correctly.
- The total will now be correct for Daily and Monthly Sales where there are a lot of history for the product.
- The Product GPR’s Report will now calculate GP and GP% based on Retail Ex. GST in the Warehouse module.
- The eQueue will now recognise eScript barcodes when it is made up of upper and lower casing.