Customers accounts can be linked, e.g. a husband can be linked to the wife’s customer account. This assists with charging to customer accounts quickly and accurately.
Note: Customers can either have an account, or be linked to an account, not both. Refer to Add a new customer account to learn how to set up an account customer.
From the Customer Management module:
1. Click the Customers menu and select 1. Customer Maintenance.
The Customer Maintenance window is displayed.
2. Find and highlight the customer to be linked to the account customer, refer to Add a new customer account to set up an account customer.
3. Click Change.
The Customer Editing window is displayed.
4. Select the Accounts tab and do the following:
a. Select the Link to account check box.
Note: If the customer has a current account balance the following Minfos Customer Management prompt is displayed:The current account balance will need to be paid off via the Till or an Account Adjustment can be made, please contact Minfos Support for further assistance.
b. Enter the Surname of the account holder and press [Tab]. The Customer Search Window is displayed. Highlight the required account customer from the list and click Okay.
c. Enter the account customer's Code and press [Tab].
5. All other account fields (except Additional account charges (charged to account automatically) will be greyed out and populated with the details from the Account customer.
6. If required, set up any Additional account charges. Refer to Set up additional account charges for more information.
7. Click OK to save and close the Customer Editing window.
Invoice scripts to a linked account
After dispensing a script for the linked customer, select I. Invoice to Account from the Script Options menu.The account holder's details are displayed in the Account Charging window.
Auto-charge to account
A customer who is assigned to a nursing home that has been configured for auto invoicing can be linked to an account customer. Items dispensed to the linked customer will be automatically invoiced to the account customer. Refer to Set up Nursing Homes for more information.
Pill Box
When a customer linked to an account customer also has a virtual pillbox, the pillbox items will be charged through the existing process to the account holder.
When the linked customer is selected in the Till and the sales clerk selects the Account button, the account holder will be displayed as the default selection allowing the sales clerk to charge the items without having to search for the account holder.