A patient’s ASL profile can be updated:
a. From the Consent to MySL window
b. From the Active Script List window
c. From the Minfos Customer Editing window
1. From any of the above windows, click Update ASL Profile.
The ASL Registration Profile Maintenance window is displayed.
The focus is on MySL Profile tab. You can use the tabs on the left hand side of the screen to navigate through the registration process or the buttons in the bottom right hand corner to move to the next tab.
2. Complete the patient’s MySL Profile: The First Names, Surname, DOB, Gender, Medicare No., Valid to date, Repat. No. & Expiry fields are populated from the Minfos customer profile, to update this information Cancel the ASL Registration Profile Maintenance window and update required details in the Customer Editing window.
The following fields can be managed from the MySL Profile window:
a. Mobile is populated from the Minfos customer profile and can be edited on this window. This is the Mobile number that the consent request will be sent to, refer to d. The Mobile is validated.
b. Email is populated from the Minfos customer profile and can be edited on this window. This is the Email that the consent request will be sent to, refer to d. The Email is validated.
c. Adjust the Primary Contact checkbox if required. A primary contact is mandatory and the checkbox controls who receives the MySL real time consent notification, so if a Carer is being added ensure they are selected as the Primary Contact. If no carer is being added, then the patient needs to be selected as the Primary Carer.
d. Send Consent Message to: When the patient is registered for their ASL an access consent message is sent to the Primary Contact. Click the drop-down menu and select either 1. Mobile or 2. Email, ensure the Mobile and/or Email details have been entered.
e. Click View Carer to add/edit carer details in the ASL profile. The Carer tab is displayed, refer to Step 3.
f. Click Save if no carer or agents are required. The Summary tab is displayed, refer to Step 5.
g. Click Cancel to close the ASL Registration Profile Maintenance window.
i. The Cancel Maintenance prompt is displayed. Click Yes to cancel or No to remain in the Assisted Registration Form window.
3. Navigate to the Carer tab if the patient has a carer that will be registered on their ASL. Skip this step if no carer is required.
Note Currently a patient can only be registered with either a carer or an agent, not both. A carer cannot be edited, to update the carer details, re-add the carer and delete the incorrect carer profile.
a. Any current carers are listed.
b. Click Add to add a new Carer. The Carer Entry window is displayed. Refer to Step 4 of the Register a patient section for more information.
c. Click Delete to delete an existing carer. The Delete Carer prompt is displayed. Click Yes or No.
d. Click View Agent to view the Agent tab, refer to Step 4.
e. Click Save if no agents are required. The Summary tab is displayed, refer to Step 5.
f. Click Cancel to close the ASL Registration Profile Maintenance window.
i. The Cancel Maintenance prompt is displayed. Click Yes to cancel or No to remain in the Assisted Registration Form window.
4. Navigate to the Agent tab if the patient has an agent that will be registered on their ASL. An agent is a pre-registered person whom the patient has authorised to collect supplied medicines on their behalf but have not been authorised to give consent to access the patients ASL. Skip this step if no agent is required.
Note Currently a patient can only be registered with either a carer or an agent, not both. An agent cannot be edited, to update the agent details, re-add the agent and delete the incorrect agent profile.
a. Any current agents are listed.
b. Click Add to add a new agent. The Agent Entry window is displayed. Refer to Step 5 of the Register a patient section for more information.
c. Click Delete to delete an existing agent. The Delete Agent prompt is displayed. Click Yes or No.
d. Click Save. The Summary tab is displayed, refer to Step 5.
e. Click Cancel to close the ASL Registration Profile Maintenance window.
i. The Cancel Maintenance prompt is displayed. Click Yes to cancel or No to remain in the Assisted Registration Form window.
5. Summary tab.
If a carer or an agent is being registered the Summary tab will display:
- The name of the carer who is being registered
- The name of the agent who is being registered
The summary will display the Primary Contact’s email or mobile (depending on settings selected in the MySL Profile and Add Carer tabs).
If any of the data displays a red cross
return to the appropriate tab and correct the information
a. The patient and the agent/carer consents to those details being added the ASL checkbox must be checked to enable the Submit button. This does not automatically grant your pharmacy permission to the patient’s ASL. The Primary Contact will be sent either an SMS or an email and they are required to follow the instructions to grant your pharmacy permission.
b. Click Submit.
i. If you click Submit with both the carer and agent tabs filled out the following Error is displayed:
ii. Select OK and remove either the carer or the agent before proceeding
c. Click Cancel to cancel the registration process.