This article takes you through an overview of the Order Generation window.

Refer to the following articles for specific types of commonly generated orders:

There are three types of orders you can generate in Minfos:

1. Normal: Generates only products flagged as Re-Order (Stocked) and creates an order based on sales history and current stock on hand. This is the recommended order type.

2. Out of Stocks: Use this type of order to generate an order just for products with zero (and negative) SOH.

3. Usage Only: Use this type of order where you just simply want to replace what has been sold over a date range. 

Order generation essential rules:

  • Products must be allocated to the correct suppliers, companies and categories
  • Stock on hand needs to be accurate
  • A.R. Prod Codes need to be set correctly if you want to order separately for the dispensary and front shop- refer to A.R. Product Codes & Change A.R. Product Codes

Open the Order Generation window:

From Stock Manager:

1. Click the Order Maintenance icon

The Order Generation window is displayed.

a. SupplierDefaults to your pharmacies preferred wholesaler. Refer to Change your Preferred Wholesaler to change this permanently.
The supplier for your order can be adjusted by entering the supplier code or name into this field.
b. CategoryDefaults to Department.
You can adjust the Category from the dropdown list. However, it is not Minfos best practice to generate a daily order based on your categories. 

Select one of the following:

  1. I.E.U
  2. Class
  3. Brand
  4. Department
  5. Price Policy
  6. Location
Note Categories need to be well maintained to ensure the correct products are considered in the order.
c. Include allInclude all:
  • Checked - will consider all products in your database when generating the order
  • Unchecked - will consider only those products in the specified category/range of categories when generating the order
d. From ...To...Defaults to your databases first and last department (Category), leave the From Dept. and To Dept. on the defaults to have all products in your database considered in the order. However, if you do require a specific category order, enter a range of Departments/Categories that will determine what products will be considered.
Note If a product has not been correctly assigned to a Department (or other category) the product will not be considered for this order.
e. Include all CompaniesInclude all Companies:
  • Checked – will consider products in all Companies in your database when generating the order
  • Unchecked – will consider only those products in the specified Company/range of Companies when generating the order
f. From Company
To Company
Defaults to include all Companies.
If the order you are generating is a turn-over order, then select the same company in both the From Company and To Company fields.
When generating a daily wholesaler order, it is recommended the company fields are left on the default.
g. DescriptionEnter a Description for the order.
Minfos recommends that you add a brief description of the order content, date and the staff member initials, e.g. Daily OTC 20/09 LM.
h. Order DateThe Order Date field defaults to today's date. However, it can be adjusted for seasonal ordering. Minfos will then look at the sales prior to the date when determining the products/quantities to order. This field works in conjunction with the Order Period in Days.
Not considered for Usage Only orders.
i. Order Period in Days

The Order Period in Days defaults to 7 days. This can be adjusted to the required number of days.

The Order Period in Days will take the number of days entered, multiply it by three to view the sales history for that period of time prior to the Order Date. Minfos then takes into consideration the current SOH levels, retail units, minimum shelf holdings, minimum order quantities, order multiples, maximum shelf holdings and generates products on the order accordingly.

Not considered for Usage Only orders.

j. Delivery TimeThe Delivery Time defaults to 1 day. This field can be altered.
It will then calculate when the stock will arrive in your store and potential stock amounts sold in this period and increase the quantity ordered.
Not considered for Usage Only orders.
k. Z FactorThe Z Factor defaults to 30.00, this value can be altered if required (0.00 to 99.99).
It is a statistical formula that is based on standard deviation and the normal distribution curve. Used for the expected growth of sales dependent on sales history, SOH and current orders.
Like a buffer that can assist if you are experiencing strong sales, by increasing the z factor, the system will slightly increase the quantity required.
Not considered for Usage Only orders.
l. Shelf Pack RndThe Shelf Pack Rnd defaults to 80.00%. This percentage can be adjusted if required. This field indicates that 80% or more of a shelf pack, retail unit or order multiple is needed before another shelf pack, retail unit or order multiple will be generated in the order.
Not considered for Usage Only orders.
m. Round Up After

Round Up After defaults to 4. This value can be altered if required. 

Round up After will either increase or decrease rounding on products when a shelf pack, retail unit or order multiple quantities attached.

For example: When Round up After is set at 4:

  • When the generated quantity is 7 the order will round up to 10
  • When the generated quantity is 23 the order will round down to 20
Not considered for Usage Only orders.
n. Order TypeNormal: This is the recommended order type
  • The sales period/history that is looked at, is three times the Order Period in Days 
  • Ordered quantities are always based on retail units, minimum shelf holdings, minimum order quantities, multiple order quantities and maximum shelf holdings set against the supplier
  • The quantities of products already on an order/invoice in Order Maintenance are taken into consideration as SOH e.g. if your current SOH for Panamax is 10 and there are 6 on an issued order, when you generate your next order Minfos will calculate this as 16 in stock and only order more if 16 is NOT enough stock
  • Products must be flagged as Re-Order (Stocked) 
Out of Stocks: 
  • Stock on hand must be Zero or Negative (optional inclusion)
  • Ordered quantities are always based on retail units, minimum shelf holdings, minimum order quantities, multiple order quantities and maximum shelf holdings set against the supplier
  • The quantities of products already on an order/invoice in Order Maintenance are taken into consideration as SOH e.g. if your current SOH for Panamax is 10 and there are 6 on an issued order, when you generate your next order Minfos will calculate this as 16 in stock and only order more if 16 is NOT enough stock
  • Products must be flagged as Re-Order (Stocked) 
Usage Only: 
  • Products must have been sold in the date range selected, products dispensed and still waiting at the Till are NOT included in a Usage Only order
  • Minimum order quantity, order multiple and maximum shelf holding settings are ignored.
Warning Prompt
o. Use Default Suppliers

Use Default Suppliers:

  • Checked – will only generate products where the supplier for this order is set as the preferred supplier in Product Maintenance. Minfos recommends leaving this checked
  • Unchecked  will generate any products where the supplier for this order is listed as an alternate supplier in Product Maintenance. Minfos does not recommend unchecking this box when generating an order for your secondary wholesaler
p. Order contentFrom the Order Content drop-down, select one of the following: 
  • 1. All Products – a generated order with this order content will include all products, regardless of what A.R. Product Code has been set in Product Maintenance
  • 2. Dispense – a generated order with this order content setting will only include products that have an A.R. product code of Sale1000 in Product Maintenance
  • 3. Retail - a generated order with this order content setting will only include products that have an A.R. product code of Sale2000 in Product Maintenance
q. Starting Date 
Ending Date
Only available when generating a Usage Only order. Defaults to today's date, adjust if required.
r. Include Negatives

Include Negatives:

  • Checked – will include products that have sold (within the order period) that are marked as stocked, have a negative stock on hand quantity and generate a quantity that brings the product's stock on hand to a positive quantity
  • Unchecked – will include any products that have sold (within the order period) that are marked as stocked, have a negative stock on hand quantity and will generate a quantity to replace the stock on hand to zero
s. Stocked OnlyOnly available when generating a Usage Only order.
  • Checked - will only include products marked as Re-Order (Stocked)
  • Unchecked - will include all products sold within the date range, regardless of the Re-Order (Stocked) status set in Product Maintenance
t. Include Out of stocks (last 3 months)

Include Out of stocks (last 3 months):

  • Checked – will include products that are marked as stocked, but have no stock on hand, where the product has been sold in the last 3 months
  • Unchecked – will only include products that are marked as stocked that have been sold in the order period times three, e.g. 7 day order, products must have been sold in the last 21 days
u. Include Uncollected Scripts

Include Uncollected Scripts:

  • Checked – will consider any products which have been dispensed but still waiting at the Till to be purchased as items sold. Minfos recommend you check this box
  • Unchecked – will consider the products which have been dispensed but waiting at the Till to be purchased, as part of the stock on hand quantity and will not be replaced
v. Include Buying DealsThis is a TerryWhite Chemmart checkbox. Refer to TerryWhite Chemmart for information on this.
w. GenerateGenerates the order according to the criteria selected.