Displays all patients that have had their profiles updated by a product merge. 

1. Select Product Merges and click View Audit Report

Details of packing product merges are displayed. 



a. Search

Search by surname or customer number.

b. Date Range

Adjust the date range if required, defaults to the previous 7 days

c. Apply Filters

Click Apply Filters if using search bar or adjusting the date range

d. Updated On

Displays the date the merge was processed.

e. Customer No.

Displays the customer number

f. Surname

Displays the customers surname

g. First Name

Displays the customers first name

h. Facility

Displays the customer’s facility code, if applicable. E.g. Nursing Home the patient is assigned to

i. Drug (Original)

Displays the slave product that was merged. This is the product that was in the patient’s packing profile.

j. Drug (Updated)

Displays the master product. This is the product that now displays in the patient’s packing profile.