While the Minfos software already contains commonly used SIGs, you can also add your own custom SIGs to this list to save time in the dispensary. 

Tip: Learn about Date Based SIGs here.

Video demonstration

Step by step instructions

From the Dispense Pro:

1. Click the Maintenance menu or from the Dispense Form, click Extended.

2. Select 9. Directions (SIGS).

The Sigs Maintenance window is displayed.

3. Click Add to add a new SIG.

The Sigs Entry window is displayed.4. In the Code field enter the code for the SIG.

5. Tab to the Name field and enter the directions for the SIG code.

6. Click Okay.

The SIG is added, and the Sig Entry window is displayed.

Note: If the Invalid code, this code has already been used prompt is displayed, find the duplicate copy and click Change, to update the details of the existing SIG.

7. Continue to add another SIG and repeat steps 4 to 6 or click Cancel to close the Sigs Entry window.

8. Click Cancel to close the Sigs Maintenance window.

Tip: You can also attach a default SIG to a product in Minfos to save time when dispensing, refer to Set up Default SIGs to learn how.