This report allows you to compare and review dispense activity (prescription numbers), per pharmacist or for all pharmacists over a specified date range, days of the week and hourly time periods.
From the Dispense Reporting module:
1. Click the Dispensing menu and select 7. Hourly Dispense Activity.
The Hourly Dispense Activity Report window is displayed.2. Enter a Starting Date and Ending Date range to report on.
3. Select an hourly Trading Period. By default, the times are the Trading Hours.
4. Check the day(s) of the week required.
5. Click the Report on dropdown and select one of the following:
- All Pharmacists: to report on all active pharmacists for the selected range
- Per Pharmacist: to report on a specific pharmacist or range of pharmacists
6. In the From Pharmacist and To Pharmacist fields, select the range of pharmacists.
7. Check the Separate Page checkbox to display each pharmacist on a separate report page. This option will become available when Report on Per Pharmacist is selected.
8. Click OK to run the report.
Report Examples
Default Report settings:Only Saturday and Sunday selected:
Per Pharmacist: