You have the option to automatically mark products as stocked when completing an invoice. This is controlled by a checkbox that is set in Shop Configuration. 

Changes made to the stocked flag as a result of this configuration setting are displayed in each of the three Audit reports:

  • Product
  • Category
  • Single Product

These changes are displayed as a Change, the same as a manual change to the Stocked status in the product stock card. When a change to the Stocked flag is made through this configuration, the source displayed in the audit reports is identified as Order Maint. To learn more about the Audit Reports refer to Product Audit report or Category Audit report.

To enable Auto Stock Flagging

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

1. Click the Special menu and select Utilities.

The Utilities module is displayed.

2. Click the Config menu and select 1. Shop Configuration.

The Shop Configuration window is displayed.

3. Navigate to the Stock Manager tab.

4. Check the Auto Stock Flagging checkbox. If you wish to disable this option in future, simply uncheck the checkbox.5. Click OK to save and close.