After you have created a Multibuy for $ Amount promotion, products can be allocated to a promotion individually or in bulk as a range of products.
Add products individually to the promotion
1. From the Promotional maintenance product – Add window, perform the following actions:
a. Product: Enter one of the following
- All or part of the product name
- Full product barcode
- Product number
- [ / ] followed by the PDE of the product e.g. /197106
Then press [Tab] and this will auto-populate the window with the selected product’s details or the Product Search Window is displayed, highlight the required product and click Okay.
- The Product name will populate
- The M.N.P.N will populate
- Promotion price remains blank, as the price is based on what was set in the Promotion maintenance - Add <Multibuy Name> <Multibuy for $ amt> window
- SOH: Displays the current stock on hand for the product
- Retail price: Displays the products current retail price
- Unit cost: Displays the products current unit cost
- GP%: This will remain blank, GP% can be reviewed from the promotion Product List
b. By default the product is flagged as being a promotion qualifying product, this can be unchecked if specific products are required to be purchased in order for the multibuy to trigger. Click ? for further information on qualifying products.
c. By default the product is flagged as being able to receive a discount, this can be unchecked if only specific products in the Multibuy are to be discounted. Click ? for further information on discount products.
d. Click Save, and the product is added to the promotion.
Note: If you do not click Save, the products will not be added to the promotion.
2. If, after you click Save and a Promotion error prompt is displayed, click No.
Tip: it is best practice to view and action all promotional errors at once.
3. Repeat steps 1a to 2, until all products have been added to the promotion.
4. Once all products have been added to the promotion, click Next.
The Promotion maintenance results - Product list <Multibuy Name> window is displayed.5. Products that prompted an error will not not be included in the promotion. Click Cancel to close the Promotion maintenance results - Product list <Multibuy Name> window and refer to Review & action promotion errors
6. The icons indicate if the products are either Qualifying or Discount items, or both, if required you can Review Qualifying and discounting flags.
7. Refer to Start a Promotion
Add a range of products to the promotion
Note: When adding products to a multibuy by range, all products will be flagged as both qualifying and discountable products.
From the Promotion maintenance product - Add window:
1. Click Range.
The Promotion maintenance product range <Multibuy Name> window is displayed.2. Click the Range tag dropdown and select the category that contains the product you wish to include in the promotion.
3. In the From and To fields specify the product range that needs to be added to the promotion, then press [Tab].
- When Order Number is selected as the Range, this window updates to display Order, enter the Minfos order into this field
4. Click Save to add the products to the promotion.
Note: If must click Save or press [Alt+S], the product will not be added to the promotion.
5. If, after you click Save, a Promotion error prompt is displayed, click No.
Tip: It is best practice to view and action all promotional errors at once.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5, until all products have been added to the promotion.
7. Click Next.
The Promotion maintenance results - Product List <Promotion Name> window is displayed.
Note: Any products in Error are NOT displayed in this list as this stage.
8. If the Promotion error prompt displayed, you will now need to action the errors. Click Cancel to close the Promotion maintenance results - Product list <Multibuy Name> window and refer to Review & action promotion errors.
9. The icons indicate if the products are either Qualifying or Discount items, or both (when products are added by range they will be flagged as both). If required, Review Qualifying and discounting flags.
10. Refer to Start a Promotion.