The action of redirecting an order in CO allows you to take an existing order and change the supplier and the PDEs. Orders in Created, New or Failed status can be redirected to another supplier.

From the CO Orders window:

1. Highlight the order to be redirected from the order list and click Redirect.

The Redirect Order window is displayed.

2. The Order For and Current Supplier are displayed.

3. Start typing New Supplier into the text field and chose from the returned list.

4. Once the new supplier is selected, the summary shows up Total products and Products missing PDEs with new supplier.

5. Click Redirect.

Products missing PDEs: Products which are not available with the newly selected supplier. 
If the newly selected supplier supplies all the products on the order, only the Total Products number will be shown.

6. The Redirecting Order window is displayed showing all the product lines with the missing PDEs highlighted as warning.


7. Review the product lines on the order and click Send.

  • If you electronically send an order with missing PDEs, the Missing PDEs  prompt is displayed with the following options:

a. Split & Send - This splits the missing PDE products into new order with original supplier and sends the current order to PharmX

b.  Delete & Send - This deletes the missing PDE products from the order and sends the current order to PharmX

c.  Cancel - Returns to the window

  • If you manually issue an order with missing PDEs, you will be prompted with the following options:

a. Split & Issue - This splits the missing PDE products into new order with original supplier and marks the current order Issued

b.  Delete & Issue - This deletes the missing PDE products from the order and marks the current order Issued

c.  Cancel   - Returns to the window