To view the details of an order from the Orders window, click View or double click on the required order.
The Order Details window is displayed.1. Click Details to view the details of how the order was created/generated. The Order Date, Description and Sales Representative can be updated. Refer to Change the details of a CO order for more information.
2. Search for a product in the order by Name, MNPN or PDE.
3. The products in the order are shown with the surplus stock icon if this option is selected when generating or creating an order.
4. Press [Alt+A] or click on the Click here section to add a new product to the order. Refer to Add or replace a product in a CO order for more information.
5. The Product Detail panel shows the selected product details including:
- PDE, retail price, stock on hand, minimum order quantity, minimum shelf hold and order multiple amounts
- Sales and purchase are tabulated for the last 13 months (month to date + 12 previous months)
6. Click View SOH/ Transfer to view stock holding at pharmacies in your group. Refer to View surplus stock in CO orders.
7. The order Total is adjusted when adding, removing or updating the quantity of products in the order.
8. Click Remove Product to delete a product from the order. Refer to Remove a product from CO order.
9. Click Send Order to transmit the order to the supplier. Refer to Send a CO order electronically for more information.
10. Click Save to save any changes made to the order.
11. Click Close to close the order.