The Sales Comparison Report will compare sales data from two specified date ranges as well as provide a percentage variance between the two selected date ranges. Reporting options available for comparison are: Quantity of products sold, Gross Sales, GST, Discounts, Net Sales, COGS, Gross Profit $ and Gross Profit %.
From the Minfos Launch Pad:
1. Click the Reporting icon.
2. Click the Total Sales menu and select 4. Sales Comparison.
3. The Sales Comparison Report window is displayed.
A. From the Format drop down box select the category type to be reported on.
B. The default from I.E.U and To I.E.U will capture all I.E.Us and products in the database. The from and to IEUs can be altered to narrow down on one specific IEU or a range of IEUS based on the selected criteria.
C. Check the Detailed check box to generate a report listing all products within the selected IEU. Leave the detailed check box unchecked if a summary of each selected IEU is required.
D. Enter the Last Period Start Date and the Last Period End Date to be compared with the current period start and the current period end date.
E. Enter the Current Period Start Date and Current Period End Date to be compared with the last period start date and the last period end date.
F. Click to highlight one or multiple options from the Data selection window that are required to be reported on.
4. Click Okay to run the report.
The Sales Comparison Report is displayed.