The Hourly Sales Analysis Report will display a range of selected sales data such as number of customers served, number of products sold, Sales, Discounts, COGS, GP$ and GP% as well as Average sales. This is reported on a specified date and time range. The time intervals can be reported on anywhere between 5-60 minutes and cannot exceed 60 minutes.

From the Minfos Launch Pad:

1. Click the Reporting icon.

2. Click the Total Sales menu and select 2. Hourly Sales Analysis.

3. The Hourly Sales Analysis Report is displayed.

A. Enter in the required Sales Start Date

B. Enter in the required Sales End Date

C. The default Starting Time are the trading hours set for your store in Minfos configuration

D. The default Ending Time are the trading hours set for your store in Minfos configuration. You may need to extend the trading times if products are sold outside opening and closing hours.

E. Enter in a Time Interval (mins) between 5-60 minutes

F. Select one of the following Format options to be reported on: Customers, Products, Sales, Discounts, Net Sales, C.O.G.S, Gross Profit, Gross Profit % and Average Sales.

4. Click Okay to run the report.

The Hourly Sales Analysis Report is displayed.