Refer to Launch Update Manager to learn how to open Update Manager.
The slave store publications are:
- Product inventory changes
- Store products
- Store sales
- Salesperson details
- Centralised Customer Accounts (CCA) - refer to Centralised Customer Accounts Overview for more information
User-check: Do NOT subscribe to a pharmacy's CCA if the migration process has NOT been completed.
1. To search for a slave store and their publications, enter the name of the slave store in the search box, and press [Enter] to search for their publications.
2. The Publisher column shows the names of the slave stores.
3. The Publication Name column shows the publications that are available for you to subscribe to. There are four publications available for each slave store.
4. The Status column shows the status of each publication. This status is also displayed in the Publication detail panel.
5. The Subscribe and Unsubscribe buttons allow you to subscribe and unsubscribe to the publications of a slave store. Refer to Subscribe a head office to slave store publications & Unsubscribe from slave store publications.
Unsubscribing from a publication will result in the head office no longer receiving the data for that publication from the slave store.