The Interim Statement Report can be run for all customers, a selection of customers, a specific customer, or for customers in a specific Club, Nursing Home, Hospital or Third Party. It can also be run to display All transactions.
You can generate and print an Interim statement for any current customer account holder, for any date period since you first installed Minfos.
From the Customer Management module:
1. Click the Reports menu, click 2. Statements and select 7. Print Interim Statement.
The Interim Statement window is displayed.2. From the Run Type dropdown, choose the range of customers to be displayed in the statement.
3. Enter the required Code or Name if sorting by any other option than 1. All Customers.
4. In the From Customer field, enter the surname of the first customer you require in the report, and then press [Tab].
The Customer Search Window is displayed, with the closest matching customer highlighted.
a. Select the required customer, and then click Okay.
5. In the To Customer field, enter the surname of the last customer you require in the report, and then press [Tab].
Tip: If you require an interim statement for only one customer, enter the customer number as it appears in the From Customer field.
The Customer Search Window is displayed, with the closest matching customer highlighted.
a. Select the required customer, and then click Okay.
6. Enter the required date range for the interim statement.
7. Select the required options:
- All Transactions – displays all transactions on the Interim Statement, including those with a $0.00 price to customer.
Note: All transactions will display on the statement where the customer was selected at the Till during a transaction, including those transactions where the customer did not charge it to their account.
- Show Names – displays the name of to whom the script was dispensed
- Show Medicare Card Number – can be checked when the Show Names checkbox has also been checked
- Show Item Prices – displays the price of the item
- Account Customers Only – will only display customers who have the Account checkbox checked in their customer profile. Customers that are ‘linked’ to these accounts are not included
- Statement format(Ageing info will not be displayed) – will print displayed as an invoice, in the same format as a monthly statement
Tip: Use this option to provide a statement part way through the month
- Exclude Opening Balance – allows Interim Statements to be printed without an opening balance
8. Click OK to print the report.
Example Interim Statements:
Statement Format checkbox checkedDefault Report settings
All transactions checkbox checked