Once your pharmacy has Direct Debit enabled, you can set up account customers to pay via Direct Debit.
Once your customers are set up, refer to Create Direct Debit Files for Customer Accounts.
Note: Only account customers can be enrolled; customers that are only linked to accounts cannot be enrolled.
Video demonstration
Step by step instructions
Enrol an account:
From the Customer Editing window, which can be accessed via Customer Maintenance, Customer Accounts, Customer Enquiry and the Dispense Form:
1. Click the Accounts tab.
2. Check the Direct Debit checkbox.
Note: The Direct Debit checkbox will only be enabled if both: The Account Customer checkbox is ticked, and Direct Debit is enabled for the business. See Set up business for direct debit. If you have had Minfos Support configure your pharmacy for the Third Party format export, only the Direct Debit checkbox is visible.
3. Enter the Account Name.
4. Enter the BSB.
Note: The BSB is validated against a list of Australian banking institutes, and BSB will display in red if the BSB is not recognised.
5. Enter the Account Number.6. Click OK to save the changes.
Note: If the BSB is not validated the following Warning prompt is displayed, click OK to dismiss the prompt.We recommend you confirm the BSB number and correct it in the customer profile. Or click OK to save and close the Customer Editing window, direct debits for this customer may fail.
Next Step: Create Direct Debit Files for Customer Accounts
View the direct debit status of an account
1. Go to Customer Account Enquiry
2. There is a read-only checkbox to display the Direct Debit status of an account
Note: This field will only display if the business has Direct Debit enabled.